by Jack Cashill at Jack’s Substack
The Axios headline sums up the mood in Democratic quarters over President Trump’s effort to restore justice to Washington DC, “Democrats hold rage session over Trump’s Jan. 6 pardons.”
The most charitable explanation for the rage is that the Democrats are ignorant of the DoJ’s descent into Stalinism these past four years. In truth, the Scottsboro Boys had a better shot at justice in Jim Crow Alabama than the J6ers did in Joe Biden’s DC.
I don’t exaggerate. In 2020, 95 percent of the DC citizens voted against Donald Trump. If this jury pool were not poisoned enough, the media lied relentlessly to potential jurors about the “insurrection,” about “white supremacist” mobs, about cops being “murdered”—pick a number of cops, 1 to 5.
A change of venue would seem to have been in order, but none was allowed, and the juries lived down to expectations. They acquitted not a single J6er. Knowing the odds against them, hundreds of defendants pleaded guilty to crimes they did not commit.

The Scottsboro Boys at least had the major media and the ACLU on their side, The J6ers had neither. On the first anniversary of January 6, for instance, all 51 ACLU chapters signed on to a letter drafted by the DC ACLU about “the white supremacists” that invaded the U.S. Capitol. The date was the only thing the ACLU got right:
“On January 6 of last year,…
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