A few days ago, CD Media broke the story asking Were Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Involved In Planning, Executing The Capitol Hill Siege?
The Capitol siege was in fact an Information Operation. The evidence of foreign (Ukrainian) military elements has now been supported by the presence of Ukrainian media being exactly where they couldn’t have been without prior knowledge the staged event was about to unfold.
For decades we’ve been told invading the US was an impossibility because of geography, military strength, and the 2nd amendment.
What happened at the Capitol was an Information Operation (IO) in an effective form. IO is not a theory. It isn’t about sending a message or trying to convince you of anything. It’s not making stupid comments to annoy you.
IO is behavior modification done by controlling information and events to force groups and leaders to conform to specific behaviors the designer wanted. The key is destroying a political leader’s credibility with their base and force them to make the decisions that destroy them.
The Capitol siege created shame, doubt, distrust, aloneness, submission, and horror at the perceived actions of people (supposedly) supporting Donald Trump’s quest to get evidence of voter fraud looked at and acted on in a joint session of Congress.
On the other side, it created a super sense of patriotism, superiority, justification, and resoluteness supporting the immoral actions the Democratic Party and Congress were and are party to.
The US government partisans behind the foreign military elements in the attack on the Capitol now have the moral high ground in media, social media, Congress, the Presidency, courts, agencies, and activists to relegate a majority of the population to a second class citizen status with abrogated rights.
This could not have been done without inside participation from the Democratic Party and RINOs who want to change the fabric of America.
More and more evidence is coming pointing toward the fact Ukraine is working with the Democratic Party.
In the previous article linked at the top, the video showing Poroshenko setting up Azov battalion’s Maxim Yarosh’s alibi, former Ukrainian first lady Maryna Poroshenko berates Yarosh for speaking Russian.
After all the dust settled in Ukraine over the language, most people still speak Russian all the time. The Democrats are trying to peg Russia into the Capitol event because they want to justify a war with their base.
Julia Davis, a columnist for The Daily Beast and a featured expert on Russian propaganda with the Atlantic Council’s Disinformation Portal notes this in a tweet. The Atlantic Council is under contract with the Ukrainian World Congress to press its political agenda in governments across the world. Because Russian speaking Ukrainian nationalist and Pravy Sektor supporter Sergei Dybynyn was identified, she has to stop short of making a Russian identification to the crowd she was speaking with…
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