by Southfront Staff at Southfront
On July 15th, the death of one of the foreign citizens who was imprisoned on the territory of the DPR was announced. It was a British citizen, Paul Urey, born in 1977. He suffered from numerous diseases, including Type 1 Diabetes, as well as severe kidney and lung diseases. Paul Urey suddenly died of cardiac distress.
According to the official representatives of the DPR, Paul was provided with all possible medical care, including insulin. Paul was also given the opportunity to call his relatives and any organizations that he considered appropriate to contact in order to speed up his release or which could provide him with additional expensive special medications.
The South Front Team addressed the official representatives of the DPR with a request to provide information about the fate of other foreign citizens imprisoned in the Republic. We asked for details about conditions of their detention, health status and their legal status.
Today we received a reply by mail that the DPR is ready to provide the requested information on foreign prisoners. The SF team was provided with video recordings and background on several foreign mercenaries who were captured.
Starting today, we are publishing a series of articles about foreign mercenaries in custody in the DPR…
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