by New York Post’s Editorial Board
One more reason to tune out the histrionic whining over USAID: A recently resurfaced record reportedly shows that it paid for Anwar al-Awlaki — yes, that al-Awlaki, the terrorist preacher and suspected al Qaeda recruiter rightly droned by the Obama administration — to attend Colorado State University when he was a student here in the ’90s.
How did Awlaki, a US citizen, get this plum grant?
By lying about his birthplace and saying he was from Yemen!

You’d think that the “experts” in charge of handing out USAID’s big bucks might have, you know, demanded some proof.
But they didn’t — a classic example of liberal racism, by the way: Someone with a furrin’-soundin’ name like “Awlaki” couldn’t possibly be American.
And so this radical-in-waiting committed an easily detectable fraud and…
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