by Larry Johnson at A Son of the New American Revolution
Let me my reaction to the death of Zwahiri with this pithy comment–I don’t care. The alleged assassination of a 71 year old former fanatic who has not been involved with any terrorist activity since the rise of ISIS (which he opposed) is a meaningless gesture carried out by an impotent, demented old man.
Once again we are asked to put our faith in Joe Biden and really trust that the CIA, after 21 years, finally got their man. I suspect they tracked down the supplier of Zwahiri’s Depends. You see what a priority getting Zwahiri was? Remember all those Biden (and Trump) campaign slogans about dogging this dude down? Yeah, me neither.
What are the odds that the CIA dropped another bomb on a wedding party or a load of kids headed to the Taliban water park? (Sarcasm alert–there is not Taliban water park).
So why now?…
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