“Largely peaceful” protests have continued in Kenosha, Wisconsin every night since Jacob Blake was shot by a local cop while purportedly reaching for a knife hidden in a vehicle (a vehicle which was also carrying his children at the time). Blake has reportedly been paralyzed from the shots – for now, at least – but an upsurge of pressure from the ACLU has at least prompted deputies to uncuff him from his hospital bed.
The wheels of justice sometimes turn slowly, yet we suspect it’s only a matter of time before the charges Blake is facing from an unrelated May assault case are dropped.
While the violence has toned down somewhat since Kyle Rittenhouse allegedly shot three people, killing 2 of them, during a confrontation Tuesday night – while he’s been charged with first degree murder his attorneys are mounting a case of self defense – police continued to make arrests Sunday night, seizing guns and other weapons, while also charging some for violating curfew and other local orders.
Since the demonstrations started7 days ago, Kenosha police have arrested 175 people. But here’s the thing: more than half of them – 102 – listed addresses from outside the city (for those who are wondering, Rittenhouse – who lives with his parents over the boarder in Antioch, Illinois (he’s 17), roughly 30 minutes from Kenosha – wasn’t included in the data because he was apprehended in Illinois).
Those arrested and processed were from 44 different cities, according to Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, who issued a press release late last night…
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