Great video. Shows same vid from two different angles and zooms in. Also includes key details from the first report about Hillary Clinton’s medical episode at Ground Zero…
Paul Joseph Watson Thinks Gary Johnson is a Complete Idiot…
Gary Johnson is a total fraud and a complete idiot…
Navy Officer Still Proudly Serving His Country — Why Should We Trust You?…
“How can you expect those such as myself who are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security?”…
9/11 Suspects: Christine Todd Whitman (VIDEO)…
In the hours, days, and weeks that followed, 9/11, thousands upon thousands of victims, first responders, emergency personnel, clean up crews, and residents were subjected to the poisonous stew of asbestos, benzene, mercury, lead, cadmium and other particulates from which many are now dying…
Nigel Farage on U.S. Elections and the Globalist Agenda…
“I think she sees the European Union as a prototype for an even bigger form of world government,” he stated. “If you want nothing to change at all, if you want to continue…
The Empire Files: Chevron vs. the Amazon – Ending Corporate Tyranny, Part 3/3
The third and final segment of Abby Martin’s instigation into Chevron’s disaster in Ecuador’s Amazon rainforest. [ Watch Part I here: // Watch Part II here: ]…
A History Of Manufactured Regime Change And Civil Unrest: Is America Next?…
These revolutions are portrayed in the western media as popular democratic revolutions, in which the people of these respective nations demand democratic accountability & governance…
Sharyl Attkisson – Govt. Human Testing on Preemie’s Gets a Closer Look…
Full Measure with Sharyl Atkisson this week looks into Human Testing on Preemies, Tunnels along the U.S. Mexican Border and how Morocco is using Human Intelligence to thwart terrorism…
This Guy Is Really Freaked Out!: HuffPo Censors, Deletes & Then Terminates Journalist for Writing About Hillary’s Health…
“I’m perfectly fine. I’m not clumsy. I plan on reporting more on this certainly now the story is that their deleting and censoring commentary on her health”…
InfoWars Paul Joseph Watson Has Something to Say About Hillary’s ‘Alt-Right’ Speech…
Hillary Clinton interrupted her coughing fits, her seizures and her 3 day naps to slam the Alt-Right…
The Shady Bunch – STARRING Crooked Hillary, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, Bill Clinton (VIDEO)…
Dr. Drew Discusses Hillary’s Health…
KABC’s Dr. Drew Pinsky says the former Secretary of State may be receiving inadequate health care that is not optimal for her condition…
Why Did Clinton Tap a Pro-TPP, Pro-KXL, Pro-Fracking Politician to Head Her Transition Team?…
Democracy Now! talks with senior editor for investigations at International Business Times David Sirota discuss Hillary Clinton’s appointment of Ken Salazar to lead White House transition team…
John Pilger: A World War Has Begun. Break the Silence…
The Obama administration has built more nuclear weapons, more nuclear warheads, more nuclear delivery systems, more nuclear factories. Nuclear warhead spending alone…
Clinton Cash Official Documentary Movie (Full Length)…
Clinton Cash, is a feature documentary based on the Peter Schweizer book that the New York Times hailed as “The most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle”…
Watch George Galloway, Ever So Eloquently, Explains the Truth Behind Islamic State and the Conspiracy…
Because, of course, the West are responsible for ISIS. It was the West who created ISIS both directly and indirectly. Obama made the case very clearly just a month or two ago…
Ray McGovern Joins CrossTalk on Trump and Wikileaks: Siberian Candidate?…
Who would have thought Russia and Vladimir Putin would play such an important role in the American presidential election? The media treadmill claims Trump is under Putin’s spell…
Trump’s Political Strategist, Paul Manafort, Talks About Campaign’s Policy Positions…
Chuck Todd’s Full Interview With Bernie Sanders Following Wikileaks DNC Release…
Sanders says “There is no question but the DNC was on Secretary Clinton’s side from day one. We all know that”…
Watch SpaceX’s Falcon 9 Stick It’s Landing (25:00)…
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket will launch the Dragon spacecraft to low Earth orbit to deliver critical cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) for NASA.