“The questions he was asking were not the normal questions a normal person would be asking… He just seemed very odd”…
U.S. News & Reports
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North Dakotans Soundly Reject Corporate Farming Measure…
North Dakotans on Tuesday soundly rejected a law enacted last year that changed decades of family-farming rules in the state by allowing corporations to…
Admiral: Hillary Clinton Worked With the Muslim Brotherhood to Overthrow Qaddaffi…
On March 14, 2011 Secretary Clinton had already met with rebel leaders in Paris, including Mahmoud Jibril, number two in the Libyan Muslim Brotherhood, and had…
After U.S. Arrival, Saudi Prince Remains Off White House Schedule…
Saudi’s Prince Mohammed bin Salman has arrived in Washington, it’s still unclear if the president or any White House officials will meet with him…
OUT OF CONTROL: 480,000 Overstayed Visas Last Year…
At least 480,000 people overstayed their visas last year, adding to a backlog that’s reached some 5 million total…
Russia Is Reportedly Set To Release Clinton’s Intercepted Emails…
The West have indicated that warnings had been received that the Russian Government could in the near future release the text of email messages intercepted…
U.S. Taxpayers Spend Nearly $20k to Settle Every Refugee…
Federal taxpayers are on the hook for nearly $20,000 just to settle each refugee and asylum seeker, who are then immediately eligible for cash welfare, food stamps, housing and medical aid…
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen: Deeper Hidden Ties to the FBI…
As NBC News notes: “Records also show that he had filed a petition for a name change in 2006 from Omar Mir Seddique to Omar Mir Seddique Mateen.”
Orlando Reminds Us LGBT People Remain Targets…
More or less every American under 40, and many over that, yawn at the idea that women now marry women, and men marry men…
CIA Director: 28 Secret 9/11 Pages Should, Likely Will Be Released…
CIA Director John Brennan this weekend endorsed the declassification of 28 pages that detail foreign government links to the 9/11 hijackers…
Cowboy Up ! – Texas Rancher Lassos Mexican Bandit At Wal Mart…
“I use a rope every day, that’s how I make my living. If it catches cattle pretty good, it catches a bandit pretty good”…
Six Airlines Given Greenlight to Fly Commercial to Cuba…
The United States approved scheduled flights to Cuban cities other than Havana from five US cities, with service starting as soon as this fall…
Obama Meets Privately With Loretta Lynch…Denies Endorsement Will Intimidate FBI Investigators…And Cows Fly…
House Votes to Rescue Puerto Rico…
The House on Thursday passed legislation to tackle Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, as Congress took a large step towards addressing the economic and humanitarian crisis…
Alligator Seen With Human Corpse in Its Mouth…
A Lakland Florida resident was terrified by the sight of an alligator with a human body sticking out of its mouth…
Journalists Harassed at Bilderberg Conference…
Several journalists were harassed by German Police as they attempted to cover the notoriously secretive Bilderberg conference…
Bet You Didn’t Hear Shell Spilled a Bunch of Oil in the Gulf…
A Shell helicopter spotted the spill—at that point, roughly the size of Manhattan—floating about 90 miles south of Timbalier Island, Louisiana…
Indian PM Modi Wants Stronger U.S. Security Ties…
In a speech to Congress, Modi declared that the U.S. and India could not act alone in the fight against terrorism. He also took the opportunity to…
Obama Slams Door in Putin’s Face: Says if Putin doesn’t want Russia’s retaliatory forces eliminated, he’ll need to be the one to press the nuclear button first…
On Sunday June 5th, Reuters headlined “Russia Says U.S. Refuses Talks on Missile Defence System”, and reported that, “The United States has refused Russian offers…
Who Runs Washington?
Like a mythical sea monster, the true nature of a Wall Street-London centered global corporatocracy is often talked about but rarely seen…