What’s been missing for quite some time from any of these groups is that level of attention to the rising gun violence in underserved metropolitan areas of color…
U.S. News & Reports
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Supreme Court Tie Dooms Obama Immigration Plan…
The split was reflected in a one sentence statement from the court: “The judgment is affirmed by an equally divided Court” (See Opinion below)…
Led Zeppelin Didn’t Steal Music for ‘Stairway to Heaven,’ Jury Decides…
Rock giant Led Zeppelin did not lift music that formed the basis for their iconic hit “Stairway to Heaven,” a jury found Thursday…
U.S. Heroin Epidemic: ‘Reached around one million in 2014 – almost three times the amount in 2003’…
The United States is struggling with a heroin “epidemic,” with the number of users reaching a 20-year high, according to a United Nations report…
Freddie Gray Case: Officer Caesar Goodson Not Guilty on All Counts…
The Baltimore Police van driver accused of giving a “rough ride” that killed Freddie Gray was acquitted of all charges Thursday…
Clinton’s Major Donor, George Soros, Admits ‘Our plan treats the protection of refugees as the objective and national borders as the obstacle’…
“This invasion is driven, on the one hand, by people smugglers, and on the other by those (human rights) activists who support everything that weakens the nation-state”…
Secret Memo: 42-Page Leaked DNC Document Reveals Clinton Foundation Scandal ‘Vulnerabilities’ for Hillary Clinton…
The secret document, titled “Clinton Foundation Vulnerabilities Master Doc FINAL,” is one of several newly released internal memos obtained by the hacker known as “Guccifer 2.0”…
Released Criminal Aliens Committed Nearly 10X More Crimes Than Obama Admin. Told Congress…
The Obama Administration “grossly misrepresented” the number of crimes the criminal aliens it released from custody in FY 2014 subsequently committed by nearly tenfold…
Bear Cools Off in Backyard Pool During California Heat Wave…
A brown bear seeking refuge from the scorching summer heat took a dip in the pool of a Bradbury, California home…
Democrats’ War on Due Process and Terrorist Fear-Mongering Long Pre-Dates Orlando…
Before the bodies were removed from the Pulse nightclub in Orlando last week, Democrats began eagerly exploiting that atrocity to demand a new, secret “terrorist watch list”…
Senate Hits Gridlock on Guns…All Four Gun Control Measure Rejected…
All four measures — two dealt with background checks and two sought to prevent people on terrorist watchlists from buying guns — were expected to fail…
New Hampshire Car Dealership Unveils “Buy A Car, Get An AR” Promotion…
“We’re giving these weapons away for responsible people that can lawfully obtain them and we’re confident that they’re going to maintain them responsibly”…
‘Something is Going On’ – And It’s Worse Than You Thought…
So we finally unlock the Great Mystery: why oh why does is this administration and the Clinton campaign so reluctant to utter the words “radical Islamic terrorism”?…
Sharyl Attkisson: Media Distorting Facts to Serve World Elites at Levels Never Seen Before…
Elites have become adept at controlling media narratives, going so far as to ostracize reporters who “veer” from a particular narrative…
Although He Wants Gun Control, Sadly, the Obama Administration Is the Earth’s Largest Arms Dealer…
There is one central element of his foreign policy that has received little attention – the dramatic acceleration of lethal weapons exports…
America’s Many Mideast Blunders by Chas W. Freeman…
Official Washington’s neocon foreign policy establishment looks forward to more “regime change” wars in the Mideast and more “blank checks” for Israel…
Decades-Old Barack Obama Sr.’s Letters Discovered in Harlem…
“It has been my long cherished ambition to further my studies in America,” he wrote in 1958. His name was Barack Hussein Obama, and his dispatches helped unleash…
THERE IS NO MEMO: State Dept: ‘No Plans’ to Make Public Memo Urging Strikes on Syrian Gov’t…
State Dept has no plans to make public an internal memo calling for the United States to take military action against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government…Pure Propaganda…
Saudi Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Meets With Obama, Brennan, Kerry, Carter and Lew…
He held talks with the CIA director, the secretaries of state, defense and treasury, as well as leading members of Congress…
Obama Admin. On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries…
The total 832,014 new permanent residents do not include migrants on temporary, nonimmigrant visas — which allow foreign nationals to come to the U.S. temporarily…