There’s a body of research showing that painkiller abuse and overdose are lower in states with medical marijuana laws. These studies have…
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Confidential Text Eases Iran Nuke Constraints in 10 Years…
As of January 2027 – 11 years after the deal was implemented – Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines…
Baton Rouge Police Ambush: Long ‘Meticulously Planned, Specific and Intentional Targeting of Police’…
During a rather jaw-dropping press conference, full video below, the city, county and state law enforcement in Baton Rouge Louisiana outlined…
Widows of 9/11 Have a Bit to Say About the #28Pages: Don’t Listen to D.C. Mouthpieces…THEY ARE LYING…
First and foremost, here is what you need to know when you listen to any member of our government state that the newly released 29 pages are no smoking gun — THEY ARE LYING….
The Fathers/Brothers/Sons/Friends/Police Officers Murdered Sunday in Baton Rouge…
The two Baton Rouge police officers and an East Baton Rouge Parish sheriff’s deputy were killed Sunday by what State Police are saying was lone gunman, Gavin Eugene Long…
14 Years Later, U.S. Finally Releases the Bush/Cheney Redacted #28Pages From 9/11 Report…
The House Intelligence Committee on Friday released 28 previously classified pages from a 2002 congressional investigation into the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks…
In Attempt to Dodge Suit, White House Argues Funding War Makes War Legal…
The Obama administration argues that congressional funding for the war amounts to congressional approval for it in Motion to Dismiss Captain Nathan Michael Smith’s lawsuit…
Organic Farmers Leave Organic Trade Association over GMO Labeling Betrayal…
By a unanimous vote of its Board of Directors, the U.S. organic farmer-controlled Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association has withdrawn its membership from the Organic Trade Assoc…
Picking Up James Comey’s Pieces — What He Did, What He Should Have Done & Why…
It’s going to be a while before the jury of informed comment returns a verdict regarding James Comey’s pre-emptive declaration of “no prosecution” for Hillary Clinton. But let’s…
Obama Administration Joint Effort With Corporations Can Resettle Refugees Limitlessly…
The White House announced last week that it is launching a “Call to Action” asking private businesses to help with the resettlement of refugees…
U.S. ‘Didn’t Really Study’ Impact of Toxic Chemicals When Allowing 1,200 Offshore Fracking Licenses…
US authorities “didn’t even know what they were allowing” when permitting companies to conduct offshore fracking and dump billions of gallons of chemicals into the ocean…
Elevated Cancer Rates Found South of Colorado Springs Where Drinking Water Supplies Contain Toxic Chemicals…
Elevated cancer rates found south of Colorado Springs where water supplies contain toxic chemicals. Public water supply issues continue in …
Democratic Appointee Loretta Lynch Refused to Say Whether It’s Illegal to Lie Under Oath…
During her testimony before the House Judiciary Committee Tuesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch at one point declined to say whether it was legal or illegal to lie under oath…
It Looks Like the Media May Have Bought a False Narrative in Philando Castile Shooting…
Thanks to the incredibly dramatic live “broadcast” of Castile’s death on Facebook, an already emotionally-charged issue has become one where…
Baton Rouge Police: 4 Suspects Stole Guns in Plot to Attack Officers…
Baton Rouge police announced that they have received a credible threat against police officers — and caught three people who they say robbed a pawn shop, seeking guns for that purpose…
Is the Real Scandal the Clinton Foundation?…
Well, lo and behold, the military-industrial complex is one of the big contributors to the Clinton Foundation, as is Saudi Arabia, and many of the parties who…
LETTER: Chaffetz, Goodlatte Request Perjury Investigation of Hillary Clinton…
“The Department should investigate and determine whether to prosecute Secretary Clinton for violating statutes that prohibit perjury and false statements to Congress”…
Casting Call for Extras, Actors During Cleveland RNC Violence…
“Here’s your chance to take to the streets and protest for a cause you believe in. Many thousands will be at your side. When the violence hits…
Latino Gang Members Firebombed Black Residents to Drive Them Out of Housing Project…
Seven Latino gang members have been charged with firebombing the homes of black families living in a Boyle Heights housing project…
Jim Comey, Poker Face, and the Scope of the Clinton Investigation(s)…
“I’ve got new clarity about what the FBI has been doing for the last year…this week’s announcement that DOJ will not charge Clinton is simply a pause in the Clinton investigation(s).
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