Four of the country’s largest chemical companies have been accused of selling billions of dollars worth of harmful isocyanate chemicals but intentionally concealing their dangers to consumers…
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Soros to Invest $500M to Settle Refugee’s in the U.S….
Day #2 – Hillary’s I.T. Guy Paul Combetta, aka: “stonetear” – The Reddit and The Timeline…
When Paul Combetta aka “stonetear” woke up yesterday morning, it’s doubtful he would have suspected a two year old archive written under his Reddit pseudonym would have been on his mind…
NYC Bombing Suspect Is in Custody…
A 28-year-old man is being sought in connection with the bomb blast that injured 29 people in Chelsea on Saturday night…
Five Men In Arab Garb Detained in New York En Route to Airport – *Update* More Bombs In New Jersey…
U.S. Central Command Says Airstrike on Syrian Army Killing 80 Was an Accident…
The United States Central Command released a statement admitting that they hit Syrian Army positions, but claim that they did not intent to target Syrian servicemen in violation of the ceasefire agreement…
Breathtaking Photos of Mars from Deep Space High-Res Camera…
NASA Mars orbiter’s high-resolution camera HiRISE captures images of such spectacular quality for the first time ever…
The Genetic Advantage of the (Other) 1 Percenters…
Evidence showing that those who succeed are made not born, it suggests the upper tiers of society are stuffed with achievers who were born then made…
EpiPen Alternative Could Hit Market at $50 Per Device…
A doctor with the Allergy and Asthma Center of Minnesota has created an alternative to the EpiPen that would be smaller and, more importantly, much cheaper than the Epinephrine devices…
Powell’s Hacked Emails Reveal Secretive Bohemian Grove Summit for World’s Elite…
Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of Colin Powell’s hacked Gmail account saga is that dozens of messages contain insider details of the famed Bohemian Grove…
EXPOSED: Climate Alarmists Rebranded 70s Global Cooling Scare as a Myth…
Everyone knows that before the global warming scare began in the 1980s, scientists were much more worried about global cooling and the coming ice age…
Guess Who’s Building a Wall and Who Helped Pay for It?…
Mexico is building a ‘wall’… on its southern border (to keep illegal immigrants out). Perhaps even more ironic, The FT notes that the Obama administration is coy about its role in Mexico’s crackdown…
Saudis Threaten U.S. — “Passage of Sept 11 Law Will Lead to Instability, Chaos and Extremism”…
“(The bill risks) triggering chaos and instability in international relations and might contribute to supporting extremism, which is under intellectual siege, as the new legislation offers extremists…
This Is How Much It ‘Costs’ To Get An Ambassadorship: Guccifer 2.0 Leaks DNC ‘Pay-To-Play’ Donor List…
‘Guccifer’ shared over 500Mb of documents detailing 100,000 DNC donors contact info and donations. A large number of the largest donors received senior diplomatic or political positions following the donations…
Rice: If Rumsfeld, Pentagon Had Done Their Job, Iraq Might Have Turned Out Different…
“If Don and the Pentagon had done their job (after claiming the rights to lead post-war rebuilding—things might have turned out differently)”…
FINALLY!: FBI Asst Dir Admits Clinton Email Investigation Was ‘Different in a Lot of Ways’…
“I think this case was different in a lot of ways,” Herring replied. “Here’s a problem Mr. Hering,” Jones retorted. “It’s not supposed to be different. Everyone’s supposed to be treated equally under the law.”
“Oh Shit” BleachBit Guy Pleads The 5th Over Hillary’s Attempt At “Covering Up Some Shady Shit”…
“Wondering how we can sneak an email in now, after the fact, asking them (the Clinton camp) when they told us to cut the backups…Starting to think this whole thing is really ‘covering up some shady shit’…
How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat…
The sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960s to play down the link between sugar and heart disease and promote saturated fat as the culprit instead, newly released historical documents show…
Yankton Sioux Tribe Sues U.S. Army Corps, Fish and Wildlife Services Over Dakota Access Pipeline…
The Yankton Sioux Tribe, Ihanktonwan Oyate, is suing the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for allowing the Dakota Access oil pipeline to go through without a full environmental impact study or meaningful consultation…
John Kerry’s State Department Funneled Millions to His Daughter’s Nonprofit…
More than $9 million of Department of State money has been funneled through the Peace Corps to a nonprofit foundation started and run by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter…
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