The father of a 14-year-old girl who is the first British child to be cryogenically frozen fears she could be woken in ‘200 years’ all alone in America, with no memory and no family…
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The Forgotten Victims by David Dayen…
Ever since Wall Street bankers cratered the global economy in 2009, federal prosecutors have barely been able to keep up with the unprecedented scale of corporate wrongdoing. Last year, in a series of high-profile settlements, Citicorp, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays, and the Royal Bank of Scotland agreed to…
Watching the Hawks: Mainstream Media Has Met Its Maker (VIDEO)…
Russia Today is sending a powerful message to the Hawks embedded in Mainstream Media…
New York’s Rich List 2016…
America’s super rich, including many of the people on the Observer’s annual Rich List, spent the last year holding their breath, wealth management experts say, delaying major decisions until after the presidential election. But if they were expecting its result to bring any kind of certitude about the…
The Biden’s Host the Pence’s…
Vice President Joe Biden offered an olive branch to Donald Trump’s administration on Wednesday, meeting with Vice President-elect Mike Pence and offering his full support as the Indiana governor prepares to move to Washington…
This Can’t Be Good: Venezuelan Diplomat Joins Chicago Communists Plotting Trump Resistance…
A Marxist, a Venezuelan diplomat and an illegal alien headlined a meeting of organizers of the Trump resistance as they announced their plan to shut down Chicago on Saturday and Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day.
The Purge, the Benghazi Report, and Trump’s Claim Obama Created ISIS by Marcy Wheeler…
When I learned yesterday that, in addition to “purging” Mike Rogers, Trump had added Devin Nunes and Crazy Pete Hoekstra to his transition team (thus replacing Rogers with both his predecessor and successor as House Intelligence Chair), I wondered whether the Benghazi report…
Bloomberg Expose in 2015: This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative to the Oligarchy in America by Joshua Green…
Steve Bannon appears to be a fellow the left fears, greatly. Why? Because he’s figured out the Uni-Party’s game and is all about exposing it…
McConnell: Senate Will Extend Iran Sanctions in Lame Duck…
“Yes, we are going to pass that,” he told reporters, asked about the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA). “We’re going to take up the House bill. I think it’s already held at the desk. And we’re going to pass it”…
Researchers Identify Antibody That Neutralizes 98% of HIV Strains…
An antibody from an HIV-infected person has successfully neutralized 98 percent of HIV isolates tested, including the lion’s share of strains resistant to other antibodies of the same class…
Day of Action: More than 200 Protests Planned Against Dakota Access Pipeline…
Demonstrators across the US are planning to hold more than 200 rallies against the Dakota Access Pipeline on Tuesday. The ‘Day of Action’ is expected to be the largest protest against the pipeline since the government halted the project in September…
Trump: ‘I’ll Take $1 a Year’ as Presidential Salary…
Trump said, “I think I have to by law take $1, so I’ll take $1 a year. I don’t even know what it is. Do you know what the salary is?” After Stahl told him he would be giving up $400,000 a year, Trump replied, “No, I’m not going to take the salary. I’m not […]
Trump’s Victory Averts WWIII, Top Putin Aide Claims…
One of Vladimir Putin’s closest advisors has claimed Donald Trump’s victory has averted a third world war…Kremlin advisor Sergei Glazyev said the Democrat politician was a “symbol of war” and under Mr Trump the US had “a chance to change course”…
UPDATE: WOW! This Grown Up with a Responsible Job Wants to Kill Trump & Is Dumb Enough to Tweet About It…
There is stupid. There is insane. Then there is Matt Harrigan of Packetsled. Who in the world would put all at risk for a warmonger? What a dumbass. Are we learning Hillary built a cult following? Seriously. Are we?…
Putin and Trump Discuss Syria and U.S.-Russia Relations in Phone Call…
US President-elect Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin have held their first telephone call, in which the two leaders discussed Syria and agreed to improve and develop bilateral ties, the Kremlin said in a statement…
China Threatens to Cut iPhone Sales & Replace Boeing with Airbus if Trump Starts Trade War…
China will cut iPhone sales and order planes from Airbus instead of Boeing if Donald Trump decides to embark upon a trade war…Mr Trump would be “naïve” to start a trade war against the country and that China would respond with “counter-measures” if the US were to act in an aggressive way…
Is Madsen Right? Have Clinton and Soros Launched America’s Purple Revolution???…
The Clintons, who both have received millions of dollars in campaign contributions and Clinton Foundation donations from Soros, were, in fact, helping to launch Soros’s «Purple Revolution» in America. The Purple Revolution will resist all efforts by the Trump administration…
Trump and Pence’s First 100 Days in Office…
The plan outlines three main areas of focus: cleaning up Washington, including by imposing term limits on Congress; protecting American workers; and restoring rule of law…
Soros’ MoveOn Organizes Anti-Trump Protests Around U.S….
Trump Sits Down with Obama. Michelle Shows Melania Private Quarters…
Republican Donald Trump swept into Washington on Thursday for the first time as president-elect, mending fences publicly with President Obama at the White House and conferring with GOP leaders in Congress on a first-term agenda of border security, jobs, tax cuts and health care reform…
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