President Obama’s administration published more than $12 billion worth of new regulations in his final week in the oval office, according to a report. Obama issued last-minute regulations included efficiency standards for ceiling fans and pool pumps, new guidelines for raising organic livestock and rules for protesting human test subjects…
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Examining RFK Jr.’s Claim That the CDC “Owns over 20 Vaccine Patents”…
This past week, President-Elect Trump invited Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to discuss Mr. Kennedy leading a vaccine safety commission. The mainstream media coverage of the meeting was widespread and furious. The vaccine industry and its media lap dogs do not want their corruption exposed in any official forum, and they have pointed their fury at […]
Senate Confirms Trump’s Defense, Homeland Security Secretary’s…
Retired Marine Corps Gens. James Mattis and John F. Kelly were confirmed to lead the Defense and Homeland Security departments, but liberal senators blocked an effort to approve Rep. Mike Pompeo to lead the CIA…
The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States…
Obama’s Bombing Legacy…100,000 Bombs and Missiles Striking Seven Countries…
Four years ago, as Obama was inaugurated for a second term, I wrote that the U.S. and its allies dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles in his first term. In his second term, they have dropped four times that number, bringing the total for Obama’s presidency to over 100,000 bombs and missiles striking seven countries, surpassing […]
A Foreign Nation Did Interfere in a US Election: in 1980 by Wayne Madsen…
It was October and the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate was faltering in the polls after the Democratic National Convention. The Republican Party’s presidential candidate began negotiating with a foreign government to cook up a scheme to embarrass the Democratic candidate. The scheme was successful and the Democratic candidate went on to lose the election…
The Trump Speech That No One Heard by Mike Whitney…
The US foreign policy establishment is gradually shifting its focus from the Middle East to the Far East, but the unexpected election of Donald Trump has thrown a wrench in the elitist plan to pivot to Asia. Trump wants to fundamentally change Washington’s approach to policy, that is, he wants to abandon the destabilizing wars […]
The Issue is Not Trump, It is Us by John Pilger…
On the day President Trump is inaugurated, thousands of writers in the United States will express their indignation. “In order for us to heal and move forward …,” say Writers Resist, “we wish to bypass direct political discourse, in favour of an inspired focus on the future, and how we, as writers, can be a […]
Merkel Receives Obama’s Final Call to Foreign Leader…
Outgoing US President Barack Obama has phoned the German chancellor to thank her for her steady leadership. He said it was “fitting” that his final call to a foreign leader should be to her…
Obama: Justice Served on Manning Commutation…
“It has been my view given that she went to trial, that due process was carried out, that she took responsibility for her crime, that the sentence that she received was very disproportionate relative to what other leakers had received and that she had served a significant amount of time, that it made sense to […]
A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof by Former Intel Veterans…
More than 20 U.S. intelligence, military and diplomatic veterans are calling on President Obama to release the evidence backing up allegations that Russia aided the Trump campaign – or admit that the proof is lacking…
Professional Activists Are Behind ‘Chaos’ Plot Targeting Trump Inauguration…
German Journalist Who Spilled the Beans on CIA Media Influence Has Died at 56 of Heart Attack…
On January 13, 2017, German journalist Udo Ulfkotte died of a heart attack. Long-time readers of Liberty Blitzkrieg will remember his name since he went public with explosive claims about how the CIA manipulates and controls much of Western media…
George H.W. Bush Now in the ICU; Barbara Has Been Hospitalized, Also…
Former President George H.W. Bush was admitted to an intensive care unit on Wednesday, and his wife, Barbara, was hospitalized as a precaution. The former president was admitted to the ICU at a Houston hospital to “address an acute respirator problem stemming from pneumonia,” family spokesman Jim McGrath said in a statement…
56 Years Ago Today, Eisenhower Warned Americans Of “The Unwarranted Influence” Of The Deep State…
In his farewell address to the nation 56 years ago, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the American people for the first time to keep a careful eye on what he called the “military-industrial complex” that had developed in the post-World War II years…Eisenhower had been concerned about the growing size and cost of the American […]
The CIA’s Secret History Is Now Online…
Decades ago, the CIA declassified a 26-page secret document cryptically titled “clarifying statement to Fidel Castro concerning assassination.”…To find out what the document actually said, you had to trek to the National Archives in College Park, Maryland, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and hope that one of only four computers designated […]
EPA Says Sovereign Immunity Protects Agency From Paying Big For Gold King Mine Spill…
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Friday that federal law does not require the agency to pay more damages incurred after a massive toxic water spill in Colorado caused by an agency employee. EPA is not mandated under federal law to repay $1.2 billion to the states affected by the Gold King Mine spill, the […]
Inauguration Schedule of Events, Performers and Inaugural Balls…
The inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump features a long list of official and semi-official events and celebrations. There will be plenty of protests and counter-rallies as well, with a list of some available here…
Competing Video Exposés: Project Veritas, Far-Left Groups Post Countering Undercover Videos…
A broad coalition of far-left groups is planning to disrupt President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, after the right-leaning Project Veritas admitted it had infiltrated their meetings to record their plans. Now, it’s a case of right said/left said. On Monday, Project Veritas published its “hidden camera investigation” that “exposes…
America’s Maidan! Vladimir Putin Calls the Creators of “Golden Showers” Dossier “Prostitutes”…
Warning that a “soft coup” is being waged against Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he sees attempts in the United States to “delegitimize” US President-elect Donald Trump using “Maidan-style” methods previously used in Ukraine, where readers will recall president Yanukovich was ousted in 2014 following a violent coup…
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