Wait, it’s impossible for election results to be electronically manipulated yet the New York city board of elections is now saying the entire mayoral race was messed up because electronic tabulation errors and test ballots and stuff…
Latest News
MI Rep Daire Rendon (R): “I am in receipt of evidence reflecting systemic election fraud in MI that occurred in the November 2020 election”…
Unlike most of her fellow Republican and Democrat lawmakers in the Michigan legislature, Rendon has chosen not to cherry-pick evidence of voter fraud in Michigan but instead, to look at all of the evidence presented to the lawmakers in an objective and open-minded manner…
USB DRIVES Were Suspiciously Stolen, Transferred and Inserted Into Voting Systems Used in Swing States in 2020 Election…
In multiple swing states flash drives (USBs) used in the 2020 Election process were reported either missing or suspiciously inserted into the voting systems used in the election…
MI Senate 2020 Election Report: #BigLie vs #BigTruth…
On June 23, 2021, the Michigan Senate Oversight Committee approved the release of their report on the November 2020 Election in Michigan. The Committee is Chaired by Senator Ed McBroom (R) and includes Vice Chair Senator Lana Theis (R), Senator John Bizon (R), and Senator Jeff Irwin (D)…
Scalise: ‘Perplexing’ that Pelosi Won’t Join GOP in COVID Origins Probe…
Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom,” House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) asked why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is refusing to join Republicans on the probe into the origins of COVID-19…
Chutzpah!: Jamaal Bowman Requested Police Protection at Home While Championing Defunding Police…
Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) requested additional police protection at his New York home in January while demanding police departments be defunded in America…
We Caught Them Again: New Findings Show Coordination and Collusion Between PA and GA in 2020 Election Steal…
We obtained a report showing what appears to be a coordinated effort in posting results in the 2020 Election between the states of Pennsylvania and Georgia. The timestamps of updates to the 2020 Election results in these two states are too similar to be a coincidence…
This Is So Sad: FBI Tears Innocent New Yorker’s Life into Shreds After January 6…
Joseph Bolanos was a pillar of his community. President of his Upper West Side block association for the past 23 years, he looked out for his neighbors during the pandemic. He dropped off masks and kept extra heaters in his rent-controlled apartment for seniors. He raised morale with a weekly street dance to show his support for essential workers…
How I Got Classified as an Anti-Government Domestic Extremist…
When the United States says you are the most dangerous threat it faces, your life is about to change for the worse. The Biden Administration has just told conservative Americans they are that threat…
Texas Woman Charged with 26 Counts of Voter Fraud…
A South Texas woman was arrested by the Texas Attorney General’s Office Wednesday on 26 counts of violating state election laws…
The unprecedented censorship this film is experiencing means we are relying on Patriot Groups to show the film in their local theatres, meeting rooms and places of worship. To host a viewing of the livestream playback click on the “PURCHASE LICENSE” button. Screenings licenses are available to run between June 26 – Aug 1st, 2021…
DOJ Announces a Lawsuit Against The State of Georgia For Demanding Voting Integrity in Elections – Feds Fearful States Will Deconstruct Election Fraud…
The U.S. Department of Justice has announced a lawsuit against the State of Georgia, the Georgia Legislature and the people of Georgia in order to stop any election reform that will deconstruct decades of carefully assembled election fraud…
In Georgia’s Largest County, ‘an army of temps’ Oversaw an Election Rife with Security Issues…
“They were doing things eagerly but incorrectly.”…That was a judgment rendered in a Georgia election monitor’s report last year detailing what the investigator said were a series of problems brought on by improperly trained temporary staffers handling the absentee ballot scanning operation in Fulton County…
Greenwald: A Court Ruled Rachel Maddow’s Viewers Know She Offers Exaggeration and Opinion, Not Facts…
MSNBC’s top-rated host Rachel Maddow devoted a segment in 2019 to accusing the right-wing cable outlet One America News (OAN) of being a paid propaganda outlet for the Kremlin…
Gen. Michael Flynn: “Something Is Going to Happen. They Must Create Noise Before the Arizona Audit. They’re Going to Have to Do Something” (VIDEO)…
General Michael Flynn and Patrick Byrne joined Steel Truth podcast with Patrick Byrne earlier this week. During the discussion, the host, Ann Vandersteel, suggested that there may be a false flag event coming soon to take the attention away from the soon-to-be-released results from the Arizona Audit…
Parents Fight to Recall Loudoun County School Board: ‘They Are Emotionally Abusing Our Children’…
In Loudoun County, concerned parents believe public school board members are censoring free speech and discriminating against students based on race…
EPIC: Bucks County Pennsylvania Resident and Taxpayer Confronts the School Board…
Simon Campbell, a resident of the Pennsbury School District in Bucks County Pennsylvania confronts the school board in an epic confrontation of their brutal censorship…
CBS 62 Insider GOES PUBLIC Exposing Network’s Forced Vaccination Rhetoric and Bias…
There’s hope that not everyone who works for the Mainstream Media is a full-blown psychopath, despite the monumental torrent of weaponized lies and evil that they have wreaked upon the world in recent years…
Judge Rules in Favor of Georgia Voters…
Atlanta, Georgia ballot audit is on…
Now Progressive Democrat Sen Sheldon Whitehouse Is Exposed for Membership of a Second ‘White’ Only Club – The Ida Lewis Yacht Club in Newport, Rhode Island…
Whitehouse. 65, belongs to the Ida Lewis Yacht Club of Newport – which he did not identify but was confirmed by the club…The news comes after he had been linked to the Bailey’s Beach Club, another entity that has faced criticism for seemingly having no black members…
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