Left-wing activists smash windows with bats to protest conservative speakers. They burn property and threaten opponents in public, violently lashing out at individuals for holding conservative views. It’s 2019, but could be mistaken for 1969. That’s no accident, observers of history say. The roots of disorder go back to a style of agitation and organization […]
Latest News
Spread the Word: A New Narrative Control Firm Is Working to Destroy Alternative Media…
A new report by journalist Whitney Webb for MintPress News details how NewsGuard is working to hide and demonetize alternative media outlets like MintPress, marketing itself directly to tech companies, social media platforms, libraries and schools. NewsGuard is led by some of the most virulently pro-imperialist individuals in America, and its agenda to shore up […]
New Poll: U.S. Military Occupations Supported by Far More Democrats Than Republicans…
A new Politico/Morning Consult poll has found that there is much more support for ongoing military occupations among Democrats surveyed than Republicans. To the question “As you may know, President Trump ordered an immediate withdrawal of more than 2,000 U.S. troops from Syria. Based on what you know, do you support or oppose President Trump’s […]
Levin: ‘We have a fighter in the White House’…
Thursday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin set straight the media’s claims that it would be unconstitutional for President Donald Trump to use the National Emergencies Act to build a wall to secure the U.S.-Mexico border. “The president isn’t violating the constitution. He’s not even violating the statute. He’s looking at the statute, he’s looking […]
As Democratic Elites Reunite With Neocons, the Party’s Voters Are Becoming Far More Militaristic and Pro-War Than Republicans…
President Donald Trump’s December 18 announcement that he intends to withdraw all U.S. troops from Syria produced some isolated support in the anti-war wings of both parties, but largely provoked bipartisan outrage among in Washington’s reflexively pro-war establishment. Both GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham, one of the country’s most reliable war supporters, and Hillary Clinton, who repeatedly […]
Let’s Do Follow the Climate Money!…
The climate crisis industry incessantly claims that fossil fuel emissions are causing unprecedented temperature, climate and weather changes that pose existential threats to human civilization and our planet. The only solution, Climate Crisis, Inc. insists, is to eliminate the oil, coal and natural gas that provide 80% of the energy that makes US and global […]
OPINION: In a Sane World Brenda Snipes Would Be in Prison, Not Reinstated…
Some readers might be thoroughly – and rightly – sick of reading about the ongoing litany of Brenda Snipes’s corruption. After the former Broward County elections supervisor went unprosecuted for her multiple felonies spanning at least two elections, she now has the gall to add insult to injury by playing the victim for being ousted […]
The Inside Story of How, in Just One Year, Sandy the Bartender, aka Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Became a Lawmaker Who Is Ruffling Both Parties…
Scott Starrett was craving tacos. The 32-year-old had recently moved to New York City from Austin, Texas. So when a tiny taqueria called Flats Fix opened up around the corner from his Manhattan office, he soon became a regular with his graphic design-firm colleagues. Because it was 2016, lunch conversation would frequently turn to the […]
‘I thought I was going to be the next to die at Ed Buck’s house’…
A man has told how he narrowly escaped death when Hillary Clinton donor Edward Buck injected him with crystal meth at his sex-toy filled apartment – where two black men have died within 18 months. Jermaine Gagnon, 28, told DailyMailTV how Buck, 63, paid to fly him from Minnesota to Los Angeles, drugged him with a […]
Democrats Silent on Returning Cash from Top Donor After Second Man Mysteriously Found Dead in His Apartment…
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign refuse to say whether they will return contributions from prominent donor Edward Buck after another man was found dead in Buck’s West Hollywood apartment on Monday. This was the second man found dead of an apparent overdose at Buck’s home since July 2017, when the […]
Another Facebook Page Backed by Billionaire Dem Behind Alabama False Flag Under Investigation…
Facebook is investigating whether an organization that billionaire and Democratic moneyman Reid Hoffman backed during the midterms violated the Silicon Valley company’s policies, The Washington Post reported Monday. Facebook’s investigation targets News for Democracy, whose Facebook ads were viewed millions of times during the 2018 midterm elections, the report notes, citing an analysis…
5 Things Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Green New Deal…
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y, the self-described democratic socialist who has become a media sensation, is pushing for enactment of a radical plan called the Green New Deal that would ban the use of all fossil fuels from U.S. electricity generation, agriculture and manufacturing by 2030. The Green New Deal would dramatically reshape the U.S. economy […]
New Studies Show Pundits Are Wrong About Russian Social-Media Involvement in US Politics…
The release of two Senate-commissioned reports has sparked a new round of panic about Russia manipulating a vulnerable American public on social media. Headlines warn that Russian trolls have tried to suppress the African-American vote, promote Green Party candidate Jill Stein, recruit “assets,” and “sow discord” or “hack the 2016 election” via sex-toy ads and […]
De Blasio Unveils $100 Million “Medicare for All New Yorkers” Plan…
Not to be outdone by the other New York resident who is grabbing all the headlines with her “Green New Deal,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has just unveiled his new plan to launch the largest, most comprehensive plan in the nation to guarantee health care for every New Yorker. “Health care is a […]
Secret ADL Memo Slammed Anti-BDS Laws as ‘Harmful’ to Jews…
The Anti-Defamation League has emerged as a supporter of controversial legislation targeting boycotts of Israel. But internal ADL documents obtained by the Forward show that the organization’s own staff believed the laws could actually harm American Jews. In the summer of 2016, ADL staff wrote an internal memo arguing that legislating against the boycott, divestment […]
Clinton Crony Says Bernie Supporters Must Be Silenced for 2020 Primaries…
Well, like it or not the dust has barely settled from the November midterms and the 2020 presidential race is already underway. Campaigns are being launched, names are being floated, “Gosh look what an ordinary person I am!” videos are being live streamed from politicians’ kitchens, and we are already seeing many of the same […]
Democrats Faked Online Push to Outlaw Alcohol in Alabama Race…
The “Dry Alabama” Facebook page, illustrated with stark images of car wrecks and videos of families ruined by drink, had a blunt message: Alcohol is the devil’s work, and the state should ban it entirely. Along with a companion Twitter feed, the Facebook page appeared to be the work of Baptist teetotalers who supported the […]
Former NYT Editor Claims Publisher Drafted Letter “All but Apologizing” to China for Tough Story…
In her new book Merchants of Truth, former New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson claims that the news outlet’s publisher drafted a letter “all but apologizing” to the Chinese government for a tough investigative story about corruption in the country. The story went on to win a Pulitzer Prize. She claims that the publisher’s letter was drafted “with input […]
Tucker Carlson: Mitt Romney Supports the Status Quo. But for Everyone Else, It’s Infuriating…
Newly-elected Utah senator Mitt Romney kicked off 2019 with an op-ed in the Washington Post that savaged Donald Trump’s character and leadership. Romney’s attack and Trump’s response Wednesday morning on Twitter are the latest salvos in a longstanding personal feud between the two men. It’s even possible that Romney is planning to challenge Trump for […]
Beware Senator Mitch McConnell…
Sometimes we must call the baby ugly. CTH has followed and mapped how Mitch McConnell operates for over a decade. Here’s the deal as we see it. Senate Leader Mitch McConnell has one major career alliance that has been unbroken and unchanged for well over two decades. That alliance is with the U.S. Chamber of […]
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