New Jersey’s Democratic-run legislature is allowing illegal migrants to take tens of thousands of licensed and professional jobs from Americans. The state’s Democratic governor, Phil Murphy, is expected to sign a bill passed in July by the House and Senate that allows illegal aliens to get occupational and professional licenses, according to a July 30 […]
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Donald Trump Challenges Nevada Mail-in Voting Stunt: ‘See You in Court!’…
President Donald Trump on Monday challenged the State of Nevada for moving to enact mail-in voting, threatening a lawsuit. “In an illegal late night coup, Nevada’s clubhouse Governor made it impossible for Republicans to win the state,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “Post Office could never handle the Traffic of Mail-In Votes without preparation. Using Covid […]
Democrats Urging Biden Not to Debate Trump…
Democrats around the country have begun to pressure the Biden campaign to call off all debates with Donald Trump due to the coronavirus pandemic—they say. In truth, the reason they don’t want Biden to debate Trump is that they don’t think Trump will play by their rules. The president would take over the debate and […]
Black Conservative Documentary ‘Uncle Tom’ Reaping Raves on Major Film Sites…
A politically-charged documentary about an unheralded voting bloc is drawing raves on two of the web’s biggest film sites. “Uncle Tom: An Oral History of the American Black Conservative” lets its subjects share why they favor smaller government — and the ridicule they endure for that position. The film profiles famous black Americans like Candace […]
Experiment Exposes Potential Serious Issue with Mail-In Voting…
An experiment into the reliability of mail-in ballots has exposed a potentially serious issue in relying on the method for voting in the upcoming elections. Concerns about the integrity of voting by mail prompted CBS This Morning to conduct an experiment. The team sent out mock ballots to a fake local election office, and the […]
Susan Rice’s Testimony on Being Out of Russiagate Loop Doesn’t Add Up…
Susan Rice, the vice presidential contender with a high-profile history of questionable public statements, has another dubious claim in her past that until now has escaped scrutiny. Rice swore under oath that as President Obama’s national security adviser she was never told about the FBI’s Trump-Russia investigation. But former FBI Director James Comey testified that […]
Trump Doubles Down, Warns November Will Bring ‘Greatest Election Disaster in History’…
President Trump doubled down Friday on his warnings surrounding expanded mail-in ballots, declaring November will bring the “greatest election disaster in history” a day after he controversially suggested delaying the vote. “They think they’re going to send hundreds of millions of ballots all over the United States and it’s gonna come out,” he told reporters […]
CNN Piece on What Critical Swing Voters Are Thinking Now and It’s Dynamite…
It’s not likely to find anything on CNN that’s favorable or even even-handed when it comes to President Donald Trump. That’s one reason when it happens, it’s noteworthy. But also, it’s incredibly significant information that gives us a great window into what a very important group of Americans thinks about the election and Trump. If […]
MUST READ: What Does Susan Rice Bring to a Biden Ticket? by Lee Smith…
Susan Rice’s name has been bandied about as Joe Biden’s running mate for a few months, but as of this week some might say that she is the clear frontrunner. There’s certainly a media blitz behind her, with articles in the Washington Post, New York Times, and Politico in the last several days. At first, […]
Former Presidents, Loved Ones Bid Farewell to John Lewis…
Former President Barack Obama said Thursday the late Rep. John R. Lewis will be remembered one day as another Founding Father for dedicating his life to the civil rights movement. “America was built by John Lewis,” the 44th president said. “He, as much as anyone in our history, brought this country a little closer to […]
More Than 100 Police Agencies Pull Out of DNC Convention…
More than 100 police agencies are withdrawing from agreements to send personnel to bolster security at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, in part because they’re concerned about a recent directive ordering police in the city to stop using tear gas to control crowds. A citizen oversight commission last week directed Milwaukee’s police chief […]
Minnesota AG Says Rape Victims Would Rather Risk Letting Rapists Go Free Than Talk to Cops…
Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said he thought women would rather have a social worker respond to a 911 call about getting raped than a law enforcement officer who could investigate the crime (video below). Ellison made the remarks while he was participating in a Zoom call with U.S. Representative Karen Bass (D-California) and PBS […]
Since 2016, At Least 4 Dozen Voter Fraud Cases Have Been Filed Leading to Convictions, Lawsuits or Plea Deals…
Many news media, political activists and social media giants have gotten on the bandwagon that voter fraud is fiction. It is not. A review of court cases and recent indictments – including one this week in Philadelphia against a former congressman – finds there have been at least four dozen cases in criminal and civil […]
Former Sanders Campaign Co-Chair Compares Voting for Biden to Eating ‘Bowl of shit’…
Former Bernie Sanders campaign co-chair Nina Turner offered a not-so-appetizing analogy when asked about voting for presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Turner, who was a prominent surrogate for Sen. Sanders, I-Vt., during the 2020 Democratic primary, expressed her lack of excitement for the former VP to The Atlantic. “It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have […]
Good Grief: There is No Legitimate Reason These Two Men Cannot Hold a LIVE Debate…Notre Dame Withdraws from Hosting Presidential Debate…
The University of Notre Dame has withdrawn from hosting the first Trump-Biden debate scheduled for September 29, citing advice from the St. Joseph County deputy health director, and the “diminished educational value” of hosting the event. In a unanimous decision by the Executive Committee of the University’s Board of Trustees, University President John Jenkins – […]
This Putz Who Is Apparently Living in a Cave Calls Extremely Violent Antifa in Portland a ‘Myth’…
New York Rep. Jerry Nadler is shown in a new online clip calling violence in Portland by Antifa a “myth,” after protests were declared a riot on Sunday morning. The House Judiciary Committee Chairman was approached by writer-producer Austen Fletcher, who said he asked the Democrat to disavow the rioting in the Oregon city. “I […]
DNC Committee Blocks ‘Medicare for All’ from 2020 Draft Party Platform…
Democrats blocked an attempt to include “Medicare for all” in the party’s 2020 draft platform. The Democratic National Committee’s platform panel met virtually on Monday to discuss whether the party should incorporate language endorsing Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’s signature policy in its message to voters before the November general elections. “If this amendment is controversial, […]
Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil…
The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard. “In more than 80 pages in the draft platform published by Politico, whites are mentioned 15 times, all critical, including […]
#WalkAway – Dear Black People…
The List: 72 Republicans Vote with Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capitol…
A total of 72 House Republicans voted with Democrats to remove certain Civil War-era memorabilia from public view in the United States Capitol. The legislation, sponsored by Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), mandates that a bust of former Supreme Court Justice Roger Brooke Taney sitting in the U.S. Capitol be replaced with a bust of former […]
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