Henri J. Barkey, former CIA personnel…known as the policy maker for U.S. authority, was the second top American figure who orchestrated the coup attempt in Turkey…
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Declassified CIA Documents Reveal a Deadly Security State Operating Far Outside the Bounds of Democratic Control…
In June 2006, President George W. Bush told Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director Michael Hayden that he was worried. The subject of Bush’s concern was a picture of a CIA detainee…
Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jeff Bezos, Cass Sunstein Join Pentagon’s ‘Defense Innovation Board’…
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, Amazon head Jeff Bezos and former Obama administration official Cass Sunstein are among the newest names to join Defense Secretary…
$13 Billion Aircraft Carrier Struggles with Air Operations, Can’t Defend Itself, Systems ‘Likely Require Redesigning’…
The $12.9 billion USS Gerald R. Ford — the most expensive warship ever built — may struggle to launch and recover aircraft, mount a defense and move munitions…
Last Russian Held at Guantanamo for 14 Years Without Charges Cleared to be Released…
A former ballet dancer and member of the Russian military who has been imprisoned as an enemy combatant at Guantanamo for nearly 14 years was given notice…
Four Army Soldiers ‘broke into couple’s Colorado home and threatened to kill them and their two children’…
Four US Army soldiers have been arrested for breaking into a family home and threatening them at gunpoint. The men, all stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado…
The U.S. Congress Hasn’t Declared War on Yemen, Right? So How Can It Send More Resources?…
The U.S. military is weighing an increase in its presence in Yemen to better challenge al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, building on momentum…
Chinese Military Vice Chairman Urges Troops to Get Ready For Combat…
Fan Changlong stressed the need to deeply understand the complexity of the grim situation facing the security, stepping up preparations for military…
This is SICK!: CIA Backed Rebels Behead Palestinian Kid in Aleppo (VIDEO)…
A video circulating on social media on Tuesday depicted rebel fighters beheading a boy after capturing him north of Syria’s second city Aleppo, a monitor said…
U.S. Delivers 2 Guantánamo Captives to Serbia. Never Charged With a Crime (More)…
Two war-on-terror captives who got to Guantánamo on the same day, left on the same plane 14 years and 5 months later…
Obama to Send 560 More Troops to Iraq…
The United States is stepping up its military campaign against Islamic State by sending hundreds more troops to assist Iraqi forces…
THE NETWORK: Leaked Data Reveals How the U.S. Trains Vast Numbers of Foreign Soldiers and Police…
A shadowy network of U.S. programs that every year provides instruction and assistance to approximately 200,000 foreign soldiers, police, and other personnel…
The Warfare Comes Home…
The recent killings in Baton Rouge, Minneapolis and Dallas recall the racial violence of the 1960s which also occurred against a backdrop of U.S. warfare…
Obama Leaves ‘Symbolic’ Troop Presence in Afghanistan to Defend U.S. Empire of Military Bases…
Obama decided to leave more than 8,000 US troops in Afghanistan as a symbolic show of force to deter insurgents, reassure Kabul and protect America’s empire of military bases…
NATO Seeks ‘to Build New Wall Across Europe to Isolate Russia’…
“When we see the situation in Ukraine and the developments in Crimea, we must soberly say that the West, NATO and the European Union have gambled and lost”…
Moscow Warns of ‘Dangerous Consequences’ as U.S. Moves to Place Missile Defense System in S. Korea…
“From the very beginning of the discussion of this issue we have consistently and invariably pointed at the most dangerous consequences of such a decision…
US-Supplied Syria-Bound Arms Found in ISIL Positions in Iraq…
The Iraqi army seized a large volume of arms and ammunition, supplied by the US and its Arab allies in the Persian Gulf to the militant groups in Syria, in ISIL’s defense lines near Fallujah…
CIA Knew It Had the Wrong Man, But Kept Him Anyway…
By January of 2004, when German citizen Khaleed al Masri arrived at the Central Intelligence Agency’s secret prison in Afghanistan, agency officials were pretty sure he wasn’t a terrorist…
Amnesty Reported War Crimes by Syrian Rebels Backed by U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey…
Amnesty International published an extensive report of war crimes by Syrian rebels in Aleppo and Idlib. The rebel groups are backed by the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey…
Judge Napolitano: Nobody Died in Orlando Shooting Until SWAT Teams Entered The Building…
Judge Andrew Napolitano told FOX News that an FBI transcript indicated that no one died until 05:13am Sunday morning when the police SWAT teams entered the building…