International human rights organization Reprieve has released a report demonstrating how the Administration’s previous statements on the issue have proved to be false…
U.S. Journalist in Syria Target of Possible U.S. Drone Strike…
Questioning Obama’s Drone Deaths Data…
52,600 Guns Sold a DAY in U.S….
Law Enforcement Lost, Misplaced or Had Stolen Nearly 1k Guns Across the Bay Area in California…
Obama Administration Lays Out $56 Million Plan for Libya…
Know-Nothing “Diplomats” Prepare For Hillary’s War On Syria…
The U.S. State Dept. Dissent 51 Memo…
Since Last Tuesday, the Medical Examiner Has Known How Many Orlando Victims Were Killed by Cops…
Doctor Listed on Psych Evaluation on Behalf of G4S Says She Had Never Seen Him…
Threatened to Kill Florida Deputy & His Family in 2013–FBI Dismissed…
Who Knew? Mateen Was in the Gulf Oil Spill Documentary “The Big Fix” (Video)…
Mateen Had a Troubled Past. Why Isn’t That the Story?…
FBI Releases Censored Orlando 911 Call Transcripts…
ACLU Releases ‘The Torture Database’…
After September 11, 2001, U.S. officials authorized the cruel treatment and torture of prisoners held in Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo, and the CIA’s secret…