by Helen Tansey
February 7, 2020
I’m not a follower of BlazeTV or Glenn Beck’s work of late, but I must confess, I need to be. The work Beck and his team have put into bringing you this ‘Splodey head’ news is outstanding. It provides a glimpse, a rather big glimpse, about what is really behind RussiaGate, SpyGate, ImpeachmentGate and UkraineGate.
Let’s call it an outline or framework of what the neolibs and neocons, might as well throw in some progressives too, have been killing themselves to prevent you, me, hell, anybody from learning since President Trump took office. Yepppers. Beck and his team are pulling back the proverbial curtain.
Taking key portions of President Trump’s ‘perfect’ phone call with Ukraine’s President Zelensky, Beck and his team of sleuths went to work and began digging, as in, unearthing key facts behind the President’s call, the timing of his call, key events leading up to his call, points the President made on his call and other key actions taking place at the exact same time by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). .
If you want get out ahead of what I’ll call UkraineGate 2.0 then you must make the time to watch this video over the weekend. These key facts and more, much, much more will begin to be revealed in the coming days and weeks primarily by conservative news outlets. We, here at The T-Room, as always will be covering this new chapter in the Ukraine story as we have all other ‘…Gate’ stories, however, you may follow other sites who will be reporting on this chapter too. If so, and you come across a story you feel T-Room readers would benefit, then by all means send it to us at info@t-room.us or htansey@t-room.us.
The true Ukraine story has yet to unfold. It is way, way bigger than you and I may realize. Trust the fact that it is going to be told and it will be supported by the facts and first source material. It’s a BIGGIE as in $8 BILLION BIGGIE, so get ahead of it over the weekend by watching Beck lay out the details none of us has yet been told. It is worth the hour of your time. Trust me…oh, and buckle up because the ride we’re all getting ready to take is explosive…
Peace out.