Editor’s note: Dug this post out of The T-Room archive. It’s a four-part documentary series by Olivier Berruyer, editor of the website les-crises.fr that delves into the bribery scandal between the Obama White House with then VP Joe Biden running point on Ukraine, Hunter Biden, then President Petro Poroshenko and then Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin. Shokin is the Prosecutor Biden held up the billion in taxpayer funds until Poroshenko fired him. Although the documentary is billed as an eight-part series, only four were completed. Below you will find links to three of the videos. Here is a link to the last part of the documentary titled “Shokin Strikes Back.”
Les-Crises.fr news service has achieved what few have been able to accomplish, that is, their editor Olivier Berruyer has done a great service to everyone by launching an investigation into Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, Prosecutor Viktor Shokin, VP Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and much more titled ‘UkraineGate — Inconvenient Facts.’ It simplifies all of the ins and outs of the Obama administrations approval of VP Biden’s rather irregular activities in Ukraine. This series is very well done. Most witnesses interviewed speak English while those who don’t they provide subtitles.
View Part One ‘A Not So Solid Prosecutor’ HERE
View Part Two ‘No So ‘Dormant’ Investigations’ HERE
View Part Three ‘A Not So Noble President’ HERE
It appears the entire series of videos, eight in all, are being released weekly. If you want to keep up with Berruyer’s series you can click HERE or visit Consortium News by clicking HERE
Awesome job!
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