Editor’s note: The T-Room does not typically promote polls, petitions to sign or letter writing campaigns to Congress, but we’re making an exception on this one. The Restrict Act patroned by Sen Mark Warner (D) from Virginia is the Patriot Act passed under George W Bush on steroids. Surveillance of everything we do is not healthy for a nation and her people. It creates paranoia. People stop trusting. Folks start looking over their shoulder. Moreover, it creates a police state, a militarized state that American’s do not deserve or need much less any other citizen of the world. In fact the entirety of the surveillance state that has been erected since 9/11 should be rescinded today NOT grown into the monstrosity the Restrict Act proposes. Please, sincerely, consider taking the letter below, embellish it if you wish, but copy-paste-sign and send it to your representative and senator. While you’re at it bother yourself and send it to Warner. Let him know this bill is unacceptable and intolerable in a Republic where freedom must always reign – Peace, Helen
Dear (Senator/Congressman):
I write to draw your attention to an incredibly dangerous proposal that is currently in the Senate, bill number S-686 (Warner – D). Under the guise of “protecting” Americans from the Chinese app “Tik-Tok,” and without delving into the specific offending language, Sen. Warner’s “RESTRICT Act” blatantly violates (at least) the First and Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights, as well as the Separation of Powers Doctrine and several other U.S. legal norms.
In short, the potential for abuse if this bill is passed into law is staggering, and has been coined by pundits and commentators as “the Patriot Act of the Internet.”
As such I strongly urge you to reject any and all iterations of this bill, and to urge your colleagues in both the House and Senate to do the same.
Thank you for your attention to this vitally important matter.
Yours truly,