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Rep Matt Gaetz has made it abundantly clear to any who bother to open their ears to listen that this opaque budgeting process known as a Continuing Resolution concocted by Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and Obama is not working for the American people.
Ending the Continuing Resolution grift is Gaetz’s red line. Being played for a sucker again by McCarthy was not going to happen. He started publicly challenging McCarthy weeks ago only to be ignored. So, he offered his Motion to Vacate Speaker McCarthy last night who held the vote today. The Motion carried 216 to 210.
The House Freedom Caucus when considering Kevin McCarthy’s nomination to be Speaker earlier this year made their concerns known then that the nonsense of passing a Continuing Resolution, CR, which pulls all of the agencies spending into one package, must end. Apparently, McCarthy and 210 Republicans weren’t listening.
You see, House and Senate leadership pull together the CR, which is typically thousands of pages long, giving members a mere 72-hours, if that, to plow through the bill before voting to pass or not. This process is deliberately designed to leave little to no opportunity for amendments to the bill much less debate by members from either chamber.
The entire process is a joke. No household, no business, no bank, no corporation no nothing would last a day by conducting their financial business in such a manner. Yet, congress has been doing it and plowing Americans further and further into debt by doing so for years now.
America is $33 trillion+ in debt. The dollar is weaker. Your kids, hell their kids and then their kids…will be saddled with paying off that debt into eternity, because we will be long gone. Or even worse we default on that debt and those we owe come to collect. That won’t be pretty.
It appears there are a handful of adults left in the room who give a rip about America’s future, your children’s future, and they are standing up to the 216 useless followers American voters keep voting into office and saying – ENOUGH!
Looks like Gaetz did precisely what McCarthy asked –
Here’s how Rep Nancy Mace said about her voting in support of vacating McCarthy’s speakership:
Here’s a second round of questions Rep Matt Gaetz answered by the press last night. The man didn’t back down. Nope. He was steadfast and rather determined.