by Helen Tansey at The T-Room.us
This 30-minute debate set-up by Piers Morgan at Piers Morgan Uncensored between Prof Alan Dershowitz and Prof Norman Finklestein is a must watch. These two men are Jewish, they are highly educated and their views on Israel’s current policy on waging war with Gaza couldn’t be further apart.
Professor Norman Finkelstein is a son of parents who were both Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. As any student of history knows, the hallmarks of the Holocaust are genocide and ethnic cleansing also known as the ultimate solution. Both being abhorrent to any who value life. Prof Finklestein uses his smarts to school any who listens why this war on the Gazan people by Israel is genocidal.
Professor Alan Dershowitz was born to Jewish Orthodox parents who were settled in Borough Park, New York when WWII broke out. Dershowitz has spent his life as a law professor specializing in constitutional and criminal law. He is an outstanding advocate of the U.S. Constitution and a fierce defender for any who he believes has been falsely accused.
Both Professor Finklestein and Professor Dershowitz lay their cases on the table for/against the current war in Gaza where Israel invaded due to the October 7th attack by Hamas on party goers at a music festival, Kibbutz’s and military posts where 1,200 Israeli citizens were killed.
Prof Norman Finklestein asks you to read Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine
As of today, Israel’s military defense forces have slaughtered more than 18,000 Gazans and Palestinians who live in the West Bank, not to mention the suffering of those who are left without little food, water, electricity or fuel which is all being withheld by Israel.
Folks, this is genocide. The country may be different. The day and time may be different. The leadership may be different. But what’s happening to the civilians in Gaza should not be happening at the hands of another people who suffered so greatly a tragedy that haunts so many to this day. It’s beyond cruelty.
a must WATCH: