T-Room readers are aware of the challenges China has been facing to contain the Coronavirus aka COVID-19 since it broke out in early December in the Wuhan Province. As you know, President Trump issued a travel ban in early January, set-up a highly specialized team to map out the needs to contain the virus as well as to map out worse case scenarios if containment was breached. Earlier this week, President Trump sent a $2.5 billion emergency budget request to congress so as to begin to fulfill these highly specialized plans. Of course now, the Left media along with the noisemakers in congress are doing what they do best – politicizing the Coronavirus – which was obviously ramped up yesterday after the CDC’s Dr. Messonnier hit the panic button sending all of the Lefties into a tizzy.
The Conservative Treehouse has informed us that this Dr. Messonnier’s brother happens to be the very same guy who politicized the DOJ and FBI during the first two years of Trump’s presidency – Rod Rosenstien. Checkout the now so obviouse coincidence in the politicking of the Coronavirus by clicking HERE
We will continue to do what we do here at The T-Room, that is, bringing you our loyal readers just the facts. We’ll continue to link to the most informative and factually based information available on the web. Keep checking back often and stay safe and healthy…