by Helen Tansey at The T-Room
Lots and lots has been happening inside Gaza, Israel, the United Nations, Human Rights personnel quitting in protest due to the ‘timidity’ of the UN and so much more.
These are not teeth of murdered Israeli children in Kibbutz Be’eri, who are claimed to be burnt into ashes.
According to several dentists, these are both fillings for adults, and fake teeth models. They neither resemble a child’s nor were they burned. They are intact.
This is fake news spread by the Israeli government, and drives skepticism into the whole history of Jewish lies about the alleged crimes against them.
(More images Israeli media is apparently pushing as the teeth from the 40-babies burned to death propaganda pushed on 10/7/2023)
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi, said that the 114 million refugees and displaced people worldwide are a tangible “but sometimes neglected symptom of the world’s current extreme disorder.”
Briefing the Security Council today (31 Oct), Grandi stated, “Solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was always described as ‘elusive’: but it has not been elusive; it has been repeatedly and deliberately neglected, cast aside as something no longer necessary, almost ridiculed.”
He continued, “I hope that now, amidst the horrors of war, we can at least see how grave a miscalculation that has been. There will be no peace in the region and in the world without a just solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including the end of the Israeli occupation.”
Grandi also said, “Humanitarians are being asked to pick up the pieces and help more people in more places. We are asked to keep going for longer and to try to hold more things together while little political capital is spent on making peace.”
He asked, “Being alone, being exposed, being short of resources make me wonder for how much longer we can continue. Humanitarians are tough — but humanitarians, Mr. President, are near breaking point. And what will you be left with you when they have to go?”
He concluded, “The gravity of this moment cannot be overstated. The choices that the fifteen of you make – or fail to make – will mark us all and for generations to come. Will you continue to allow this jigsaw of war to be completed by aggressive acts, by your disunity, or by sheer neglect? Or will you take the courageous and necessary steps back from the abyss?”
Addressing the press later today, the High Commissioner for Refugees said, “At the moment, let me repeat it again: the priority is to get aid into Gaza. Palestinians do not want to leave Gaza; they want aid to come into Gaza, and that should be the priority.”
Craig Mokhiber – The curtain has been pulled back. The so-called “responsibility to protect”, promoted by abstaining western countries, was always a ruse. A Trojan horse for imperialism & aggression. It was never intended to protect civilians from mass atrocities. #R2P #Genocide #EthnicCleansing
“…Western governments “are wholly implicit in the horrific assault.”
“Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations “to ensure respect” for the Geneva Convention, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities.”
Posted by Vanessa Beeley at Telegram
Dennis Kucinich: ” If you are opposed to continued US involvement in wars which are percolating globally and which threaten to ensnare our country, jeopardize our troops and ruin our economy, please read this article.
President Biden and Congress this week, in separate funding attempts, will likely pursue money to fund wars against Ukraine and Gaza, and to intensify further actions which could start wars against China and Iran.
This is a defining moment for Mr. Biden, for Congress, for America and the world. Congress may well split war appropriations into separate bills, but once the spigot is open, more and more money will flow to accelerate the killing.
We are on the offense vs. Russia, and preparing for offense vs. Iran and China. NONE of these nations have forward bases to attack the US.
We have over 800 bases around the world.
We spend close to ONE TRILLION DOLLARS a year, almost half of our discretionary spending for the Pentagon and various intelligence services. We do have the obligation to protect our nation. However, we can’t protect it by actively inciting tensions and pre-emptively bombing Iran, Russia or China.
Such attacks will risk massive retaliatory strikes which would destroy our major cities and kill millions of Americans, no matter how good our defense is. We bombed and killed a million Iraqis precisely because they could not fight back, just as Gazans are being bombed under US supervision. Iran, China and Russia can and will fight back.
America is at greater risk today than ever because our leaders are prepared to gamble with wiping out all history and posterity. Don’t say it can’t happen. American foreign policy is a game of liar’s poker, money piles in and stakes go up. These powers in front of and behind the veil of government, including media pundits and their rhetoric, are betting with our money and our lives.
We have the power to stop wars. Now. Here’s how.
Here are short-term actions that you can take:
1. Contact your Congressional representative in Washington, by phone or email, NOW and tell them to oppose appropriations for war. Give your name and address The U.S. Capitol switchboard number is 202-224-3121.
2. Visit your local congressional office. Ask to meet with the District Director. Tell them you want your congressperson to vote against appropriating money for the wars in Ukraine, Gaza, Iran, Russia or China.
3. Encourage, support and vote for those who oppose money for more war. War is the defining issue of our generation.
4. Be prepared to oppose those congresspersons who support money for more war and don’t be afraid to tell them that.
5. Ask the President and the Congress to support our troops by bringing them home. They are being used as bait. Demand all US troops, Special Forces, naval and air personnel who are stationed proximate to conflict areas outside the US to be brought home.
6. Support humanitarian aid, for food, water, shelter, and medical care to relieve the suffering of people in war-torn regions.
7. Attend rallies in your hometown to express your support for peaceful resolution of conflict at all levels and international diplomacy to settle disputes, before they turn violent.
8. Call the White House at 202-456-1414 and express your opposition to more money for war, or email comments@whitehouse.gov
Now is the time to build a new movement for Human and Ecological Security and Peace. Now is the time to become active, as though your life depends upon it.
It may.
An entire residential neighbourhood in #Jabalya camp was struck with six #Israeli missiles, totally demolishing between 30-40 residential units.
People searching for loved ones & the dead under the rubble. Numbers of those killed & injured will run in the 100s. #Gaza… https://t.co/m7B7vsMikr pic.twitter.com/8UIFuTA1xj— Hala Jaber (@HalaJaber) October 31, 2023
Twice more children killed in Gaza than the total number of Israelis killed
Israeli forces have killed at least 3,542 Palestinian children in Gaza since October 7.
More than 1,000 children are missing—injured or presumed dead—under the rubble of entire city blocks as Israel flattens apartment buildings and refugee camps.
By Defence of Children (https://twitter.com/DCIPalestine/status/1719420290940252574)
The Gaza Resolution
Popular movements, parties, and unions across the world issue a pledge to stand for Palestinian liberation and sever ties of complicity with the State of Israel.
We, the undersigned:
(1) Grieve the lives claimed in the renewed cycle of violence, brutality, and destruction unleashed by the ongoing occupation of Palestine;
(2) Consider that the Zionist project is colonial in nature, built on stolen land, and sustained by the systematic exclusion, exploitation, and extermination of the Palestinian people;
(3) Recognize Zionism’s use as a weapon of Western imperialism and the Israeli state as an instrument to suppress sovereignty and unity in the Arab world — and advance violent reaction far beyond it;
(4) Consider that the Zionist regime has demonstrated its genocidal nature both in intent and in effect;
(5) Understand that the fascist violence against the Palestinian people today foreshadows the violence of Western imperialism towards all the world’s workers and oppressed peoples tomorrow because this is the historical tendency of capitalism in decay;
(6) Acknowledge that the Palestinian people face a national struggle, a class struggle, and a feminist struggle; affirm that the national struggle must be won for the other struggles to advance; and reject the weaponization of “colonial feminism” to obscure the primary contradictions of colonialism and imperialism and distract from the patriarchal and sexual violence inherent in them;
(7) Recognize that as a colonial project and imperial outpost, the Israeli state stands against the tendency of history to advance toward liberation, and that the liberation of the Palestinian people will therefore represent not only a severe blow to imperialism everywhere but also a progressive leap for all humanity;
(8) Reject the false equivalence of colonizer and colonized, recognize that the violence of the oppressed is a response to the original condition of their oppression, and uphold the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to resist, enshrined in UN Resolution 2625, as “the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means”;
(9) Denounce the disinformation being spread by the Israeli state and advanced by imperialist powers and their allies, which dehumanizes the Palestinian people, fuels the genocidal war against them, and whitewashes the crimes of their oppressors;
(10) Condemn the silence or equivocation of the non-governmental organizations and movements that weaponize human rights to transform our individual and collective entitlements to assistance, protection, dignity, and solidarity into an arsenal aimed at adversaries of the imperial order;
(11) Support the self-determination and sovereignty of front-line states and regional anti-systemic movements, whose democratic aspirations are constrained both by Israeli military aggression and US pressures to normalize relations with the Israeli state;
(12) Hear the urgent calls for solidarity from the Palestinian people, who demand, in the short-term:
an immediate end to the genocide,
the immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza and the restoration of water, food, fuel and medical supplies to its people,
a military embargo against the Israeli state,
an investigation into the crimes against humanity perpetrated by representatives of the Israeli regime and their accomplices around the world,
the removal of Palestinian political parties from the US Treasury’s OFAC terrorism sanctions program,
the release of all political prisoners, and
determined political action at all levels to advance these goals;
(13) Recognize that these immediate aims remain insufficient and commit to supporting the long-standing aspirations of the Palestinian people by:
dismantling the mechanisms of corporate, institutional, and state complicity that sustain the Israeli apartheid state and its military machine, including through strikes and direct actions targeting the producers and suppliers of weapons, digital services, informational services, and related products;
upholding the truth and combatting the spread of lies and disinformation advanced by the Zionist regime and its imperialist backers, including by exposing their crimes against humanity and advancing popular education on the long struggle for Palestine’s national liberation;
advancing the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggle around the world, including by taking on Western militarism on all continents;
(14) Knowing that our collective struggles for liberation converge in Palestine, commit to responding to these calls for solidarity; consent for our actions to be measured against the seriousness of their aspirations; and vow to choke the arteries of complicity that sustain the Zionist oppression of the Palestinian people militarily, financially, technologically, and culturally.
National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa – NUMSA (South Africa) • Palestinian Youth Movement (International) • Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan – MKSS (India) • DiEM25 (Europe) • The Red Nation (International) • Potere al Popolo (Italy) • Women’s International Democratic Federation – WIDF (International) • Black Alliance for Peace (United States) • DSA International Committee (United States) • Black Lives Matter UK (United Kingdom) • Communard Union (Venezuela) • Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party (South Africa) • Telar: Territorios Latinoamericanos en Resistencia (International) • Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores – MPA (Brazil) • Movimento de Trabalhadores Sem Teto – MTST (Brazil) • Ukamau (Chile) • Frente Popular Darío Santillán (Argentina) • Congreso de los Pueblos (Colombia) • Palestine Action US (United States) • Haqooq-e-Khalq Party (Pakistan) • Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (International) • Mtandao wa Vikundi vya Wakulima Tanzania – MVIWATA (Tanzania) • Women’s Democratic Front (Pakistan) • Palestinian Feminist Collective (International) • Communist Party of Kenya (Kenya) • Kuwaiti Progressive Movement (Kuwait) • WAELE Africa (International) • Coalition for Revolution – CORE (Nigeria) • Madaar Sorkh (Iran) • Borotba (Ukraine) • Danesh va Mardom (Iran) • House of Latin America (Iran) • Solidarity Iran (Iran) • Izquierda Libertaria (Chile) • Unión Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo – USO (Colombia) • Akcja Socjalistyczna (Poland) • El Maizal Commune (Venezuela) • Vencedores de Carorita Commune (Venezuela) • El Movimiento Democratico de Mujeres (Spain) • The International People’s Tribunal on U.S. Imperialism (International) • Instituto Simón Bolívar (Venezuela) • Cage (United Kingdom).
“Omitting the context of 75 years of dehumanization, displacement, house theft, destruction, robbery, ethnic cleansing and murder at the hands of Israel, makes the Netherlands not only complicit in the dehumanization of the Palestinians, but also in the legitimization of illegal colonial settlements. And by allowing this for decades, the Netherlands – in collaboration with European and American allies – has single-handedly placed Israel above the law. With dire consequences. Every person that falls victim, is a victim of colonialism. And once more, the Netherlands is also to blame.”
Sylvana Simons in Dutch Parliament, in the debate before the European summit.
Hezbollah: A message from the fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon to the brave fighters in the Gaza Strip and all of occupied Palestine
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
“Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the Hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of Allah, whether he is slain or gets victory, soon We shall give him a great reward.” (Quran, Surah An-Nisa, Verse 74)
With arms that have never known humiliation and hearts filled with faith in God and confidence in His promise, we have come to the land of steadfastness and dignity, to the land of the Night Journey of the Prophet, the beloved of all mankind, Muhammad (peace be upon him), to the direction of the free and the believers, to the people of the Al-Aqsa Flood in Gaza, the Hashemite.
This is part of our determination that has reached beyond the borders of Palestine. For the sake of supporting Al-Aqsa, we have taken up arms, and victory is coming, and the dawn is near.
O people of resilience in proud Gaza, the killing of your children, women, youth, and elders is a great tragedy, and the spirit of resilience among you is even greater. Your blood of resistance is drowning this fragile entity, which has nothing left but its last breath.
And you, the heroes of the cause and jihad, and the caravans of determination and martyrdom, you have wiped the nose of this fragile entity, and you have shown the world that they are weaker than a spider’s web, and liberation is imminent.
Our hands are with you on the trigger as we fight the enemy of God in support of our Al-Aqsa and our oppressed people in beloved Palestine. Strike them above the necks and strike every tyrant among them. Be certain that your martyrs and our martyrs are the path to Jerusalem until the day of the clear victory.
And let Allah support those who support Him, truly, in fulfillment of His promise.
Peace be upon the Chosen One, Muhammad, and upon his pure and righteous family and companions.
Your brothers,
The fighters of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon
Wednesday, 1st November 2023
16 Rabi Al-Thani 1445 AH
Statement of International Criminal Court Prosecutor on the situation in the State of Palestine and Israel
“Israel has clear obligations in relation to its war with Hamas: not just moral obligations, but legal obligations that it has to comply with the laws of armed conflict. It’s there in the Rome Statute. It’s there in black and white. It’s there in the Geneva Conventions. It’s there in black and white.
Israel has a professional and well-trained military. They have, I know, military advocate generals and a system that is intended to ensure their compliance with international humanitarian law. They have lawyers advising on targeting decisions, and they will be under no misapprehension as to their obligations, or that they must be able to account for their actions. They will need to demonstrate that any attack, any attack that impacts innocent civilians or protected objects, must be conducted in accordance with the laws and customs of war, in accordance with the laws of armed conflict.
They need to demonstrate the proper application of the principles of distinction, precaution and of proportionality. And I want to be quite clear so there’s no misunderstanding: In relation to every dwelling house, in relation to any school, any hospital, any church, any mosque – those places are protected, unless the protective status has been lost. And I want to be equally clear that the burden of proving that the protective status is lost rests with those who fire the gun, the missile, or the rocket in question.
My Office certainly will scrutinise all information we receive in this regard to ensure that the law is not some kind of optional extra that one can take and leave. It is there to bind us together and to keep us away from the gates of hell and further misery. And this principle equally applies to Hamas in relation to firing rockets into Israel, either targeting civilians or knowing they don’t have the sophistication to avoid civilian casualties. As I stated just a few days after the events of the 7th of October, my Office has an ongoing investigation with jurisdiction over Palestine that goes back to 2014 and any crimes committed on the territory of Palestine by any party. And this includes jurisdiction over current events in Gaza and also current events in the West Bank. I’m also extremely concerned with the spike, the increase, in the number of reported incidents of attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank. We will investigate these attacks and all further attacks must cease immediately.
My message at this time is a consistent one that I have given in numerous parts of the world. It flows from the common yardstick of legality that we have to enforce, and it flows from the principle that justice is every child’s birthright, every civilian’s entitlement. The message is that any person with their finger on the trigger of a gun or controls a missile, has certain responsibilities. My Office will look closely to see whether those responsibilities are being adhered to or not.
And in relation to states, I call upon state parties to the ICC and non-state parties to help collectively vindicate the Geneva Conventions, to help collectively vindicate principles of customary international law and also principles of the Rome Statute, to share evidence regarding any allegations or any crimes so that we can properly investigate them and prosecute them as appropriate.”
“I’ve previously circulated on our platforms, on the ICC website, on Twitter, on other medium, in Arabic, in Hebrew and in English, a secure portal that individuals, your viewers, citizens around the world can send information to, that may be relevant or probative to the investigation in Palestine or Israel. Crimes allegedly committed in both places have to be looked into”:
I’m NOT on the side of “Hamas”
I’m NOT on the side of Netanyahu
Netanyahu & “Hamas” are on the same side: #WAR
I’m on the side of #CeasefireNOW
The psyop is designed to start #WW3
To accelerate the #GreatReset
Because the #Covid ID plan failed
They need ALL nations to come out badly from this
To install a #OneWorldGovernment
Under the #UnitedNations: the only “good” actor
Then they will control all of us from the #UN & #WHO
And a new “#pandemic” will begin again..
And they will ask us to inject ourselves again
Millions will die, again, from the “vaccine” toxicity..
And the depopulation program will be complete.
I'm NOT on the side of "Hamas"
I'm NOT on the side of Netanyahu
Netanyahu & "Hamas" are on the same side: #WAR
I'm on the side of #CeasefireNOW
The psyop is designed to start #WW3
To accelerate the #GreatReset
Because the #Covid ID plan… pic.twitter.com/yh4nUefVUX— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) November 1, 2023
"A textbook case of genocide"
Volker Turk, Human Rights lawyer with 30 years experience, former High Commissioner for Human Rights at the UN on Israel's bombing of Gaza. pic.twitter.com/LOvKcDHYUa— Robin Monotti (@robinmonotti) November 1, 2023
Graffiti was painted in Jerusalem: a Jew pulls the blanket of money over himself. And a Ukrainian is freezing.
A hint that all U.S. taxpayers’ money will now go to Israel.
♂️ By the way, the Ukrainian has already been removed from the graffiti.