Any who read news stories we link to here at The T-Room know we make every effort to ensure your time seeking out stories on whatever the topic du jour may be is factually substantiated with hyper links to first source material. We do this to empower you with the facts. We do not sell you a narrative.
I read hundreds of headlines a day. I read several dozen or more stories a day – many dealing with the same topic but approaching it from different story angles. I then sift through all of this material prior to uploading links selecting the headline stories that are the most solidly sourced and factually based for you to read.
But I gotta tell ya, sifting through all of the ‘Breaking News,’ ‘Exclusives,”Bombshells,’ and just plain old stories is becoming more and more of a challenge given this hate filled political climate that has been thrust upon us all.
Buzzfeed – Jason Leopold & Anthony Cormier
The latest example of a challenging story hit the press late Thursday evening implicating President Trump in obstruction, that is he was alleged to have told Michael Cohen, his former private attorney, to lie to congress about a real estate deal, that never went anywhere, mind you, in Moscow. Reporters Jason Leopold and Anthony Cormier of Buzzfeed broke this fantastical story with the headline ‘President Trump Directed His Attorney Michael Cohen to Lie to Congress About the Moscow Tower Project.’
The crazed Leftist Corporate media ran with the bogus hate-filled narrative with cable media blaring ‘Impeachment Impeachment Impeachment’ ‘all damned day long. In essence the Left screeching media pounced on it, sold it as the gospel truth and riled their seriously, seriously misinformed viewers.
In the meantime, when it was time to upload links to the news stories of the day, I did not want to post a link to the story at all. Feeding this gnarly anti-Trump hate-filled propaganda narrative is not what we do here at The T-Room. Yet, other than the President’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, declaring the story was crap and yet another lie, no other official source such as the special counsel had gone on record to debunk it. Therefore, I chose to post a link to the story as a sub-link rather than as a headliner due to the slightest chance it was indeed true.
It wasn’t until late Friday evening when few were paying attention did the special counsel finally issue a statement declaring the story was ‘inaccurate’ whatever the hell that means. Suffice it to say, the special counsel knowing the story was crap all day kept their mouths shut for a full news cycle fully aware it was an out and out lie before issuing their purposely nebulous statement late in the evening. Yet, we’re told we’re supposed to trust these rascals. Sure. Not.
Propaganda, Leftist Narrative and Crap News
Our unstated policy to date when linking to, or not, such fairy tale stories is to ignore them, along with all of the noise it generates, until it’s been deemed false with facts, which it inevitably always is or in the very rare case it is in fact substantiated.
Waiting for the facts to shake out of these ‘Exclusives,’ ‘Breaking,’ or ‘Bombshells’ sold by Leftist Corporate media outlets will no longer work. Knowing the unhinged from reality Lefties in the House of Representatives intend to continue feeding this all consuming narrative of hate over the next two years by using their committees to assault Americans sensibility, The T-Room will be refusing to partake.
It’s only going to get worse. If you think it is bad now, whoa Nelly, just wait for the sheer insanity we are all going to be sifting through once the Left in congress begins their ‘Impeachment’ circus of bullshit.
So, from this day forward, in order to provide you, our readers, with the best in alternative news, which honestly should be rebranded to ‘Factually Based News,’ we will no longer be linking to any political news stories from the following Leftist Corporate news outlets – Buzzfeed, Huffington Post, The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, and NBC News. We will be adding others as time goes on. Note, The T-Room will certainly continue to link to stories these news outlets post related to Technology, Human Interest, Defense and Financial related work; just no more political coverage.
Sadly, these Leftist Corporate news sources have put forth great effort to destroy the trust earnest news professionals who came before them built. As with any who choose to betray, The T-Room is left with no other choice than to accept their middle finger and ban their political news from our media platform.
As always, feel free to contact me at htansey@t-room.us if you wish to make a comment or to offer a suggestion.