I just wanted to give folks a heads up that I am taking a long, much needed, weekend. My brain is mush and my attitude is digressing into cynicism. Not good. Being positive is my normal M.O. but of late not so much.
My break is off to a delightful start. So I thought I’d share today’s unique, yet very positive and most awesome adventure. Hubby and I took a drive up into the Blue Ridge Mountains to pick up some fresh picked peaches which will make a yummy homemade peach ice cream, a dacquiri or two and just enough left over to do a wee bit of canning. Then we headed over the mountains to the Wildlife Center of Virginia (WCV) to pick up a this beaut –
Beautiful bird, eh? He/she is a Great Horned Owl who was injured and then transported to the WCV for some expert care. As a volunteer my norm is to transport wounded critters to the Center, but today, I had the wonderful opportunity of picking up this rather curious fella/gal to release it back into its native habitat…makes the heart feel good. I’ll bet you don’t believe me? Watch the vid above to see this critters release. Oh, ignore hubby’s and my bantering. After 20 years of hanging out together, we have the hubby/wifey schtick down to a science…wink.
Today was a great day. Hoping you too have a fabulous weekend. Turn off the crazy news if you can because it won’t be ending anytime soon. Treat yourself to some down time and spoil yourself by doing something yummy good for the brain.
Peace out…