The T-Room has been linking to stories about the Wuhan Virus aka Coronavirus aka COVID-19 since mid January. If you’ve been reading the stories we’ve been linking to you know how this Frankenstein of a virus overwhelmed the medical systems in Wuhan, China, ground zero, which is now overwhelming Iran and Italy’s health systems.
It is from these reports coming out of Wuhan, a city in Hubei Province, China, that America’s health experts raised the alarm of the potentiality of the virus spreading into a full-blown pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global pandemic last week. President Trump shortly thereafter declared a National Emergency.
Since we’ve been following the details of this story intimately, we have been hearing from good folks who haven’t expressing doubts behind the reasoning for cancellations of large sporting events, area festivals, St Patty’s Day Celebrations, political rally’s and now primaries in some states, local events, schools, businesses, concerts, church and now many companies are sending their employees home to telecommute rather than head into the office. It may seem like such radical decisions are a bit extreme but we don’t share that view. In fact, we find it refreshingly responsible.
The reasoning behind such cancellations is simply to prolong mass numbers of people being infected all at one time, which would inevitably overwhelm America’s medical/health systems. Simply, the President along with his Coronavirus Task Force is doing all they can to prevent what happened in Wuhan from happening here at home.
Wuhan’s crisis blindsided the health/medical community. They simply lacked the benefit of having foreknowledge of how quickly COVID-19 could spread and how deadly it was/is especially to those who have underlying medical conditions. Lacking such foreknowledge resulted in their health systems being extremely overwhelmed, which sadly led to thousands of deaths including doctors, nurses, emergency techs and hospital/medical personnel in general. Recall, the doc who blew the whistle died from the virus along with several other docs who too sounded the alarm.
America, as well as the rest of the world, now has the benefit of foreknowledge. Gratefully, the President and the Coronavirus Task Force is employing all necessary measures to spread those who may be diagnosed with the virus over a longer period of time rather than all at once.
Finally, we would be remiss if we did not say to you, our dear readers, to please exercise caution, heed public health guidelines and warnings from both the CDC and the WHO and be responsible with your own health and those of your loved ones.
Honestly, today, no one has any idea how long this pandemic is going to last. No one. Which means we’re all in the same boat together, that is, we’re all learning about this virus and its consequences in real time. Remember, the virus is no more than four-to-five months old. Testing which meds work and don’t is happening in real time. There have been numerous reports of the virus reoccurring weeks after treatment. Are these re-occurrences happening due to the medical treatment or the virus? Nobody knows. Testing possible vaccinations is going to take months if President Trump has any say in the matter, but know, vaccinations typically take years to get to the market.
The bottom line is nobody knows COVID-19. It’s a brand new virus. Only time, lots of study and patience will bring about solid answers as to treatment and an eventual vaccine, but we’re nowhere near that place right now. So we gotta due our part to slow the spread of the virus, look out for our loved ones, stop buying up mass quantities of toilet paper, don’t panic and exercise lots of patience…