Nearly 16 years ago, I launched The My goal then is the same one I have now—introduce readers to professional, reliable, factually based, solid alternative news sources covering an array of topics that have meaning in your everyday lives.
Another much more minor reason I started The T-Room is this nasty pet peeve I have with pretty much all corporate news media reporting. That is, when a journalist is covering a report or a study, for example, they impart details to their readers they think are important. Rarely do they hyperlink to the actual report or study. Nope. You typically have to hunt that down yourself. Well, I don’t know about you, but I like to make up my own mind concerning what I deem is important to know, rather than being told by a total stranger what they think is important for me to know. Therefore, I make it a habit here at The T-Room to either hunt down the original source and link to it or I find a solid alt news journalist who hyperlinks to primary sources in their posts. Either way, I like the idea of letting you decide whether to delve more deeply into whatever the topic may be.
Lastly, and most importantly we’re in a world of trouble as a people, as a country, as a planet and I firmly believe if we’re informed then those we choose to share our knowledge with will be informed and they too will share and so on. An informed and engaged electorate is primary to having a healthy, prosperous and free society and I happen to believe ‘We the People’ deserve nothing less.
I work hard and take great pride in knowing every story linked to here at The T-Room is as close to the truth, originally sourced and as solid of alt news reporting I can find. For now, I post Monday – Friday, only, while taking all holidays off and a vacay a couple of times a year.
I sincerely hope you’ll bookmark The T-Room and make it one of your daily ‘go to’ alt news sources. By all means feel free to tell your family and friends about the site. By all means, feel free to drop me a line or share a news story anytime via
Stay informed and remain engaged,
Warmest Regards,
Helen Tansey
Sole Proprietor of The T-Room