by Vigilant Fox at Red Voice Media
What are the risks to the unvaccinated?” asked the founder of Action4Canada, Tanya Gaw, in an interview with Dr. Peter McCullough.
“There was a recent paper,” replied McCullough. “I just have it on my Substack if you want to review it — you go to the Courageous Discourse substack. And the first author is Helene Banoun, a former Inserm scientist. Inserm is a leading research unit in France. And Banoun has summarized this. This is disturbing. It looks like the messenger RNA is transferring from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated now.”
And, in a paper by Fertig and colleagues, the messenger RNA is found circulating in the blood for at least two weeks. And the curves were not going down. That’s as long as they looked.”…