by Julie Piantedosi and Patricia B Doherty at Daily Clout
Pfizer Vaccine Dangers for Pregnant Women –
A Letter to Massachusetts Attorney General
June 9, 2022
Attorney General Maura Healey
Office of the Attorney General
One Ashburton Place
20th Floor
Boston, MA 02108
Re: Pfizer-BioNTech experimental mRNA vaccine adverse events for pregnant women
Dear Attorney General Healey:
On January 6, 2022, a federal judge in Texas ordered the FDA to release the Pfizer-BioNTech
documentation relied upon to provide the emergency use authorization for the experimental
mRNA vaccine. The order came after the nonprofit group, the Public Health and Medical
Professionals for Transparency, filed a FOIA request requesting the documentation.
The FDA initially attempted to delay the production of the documents for 75 years in response to
this FOIA request. However, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman, Fort Worth, TX, denied the FDA
request ruling: “there may not be a more important issue at the Food and Drug
Administration …. than the pandemic, the Pfizer vaccine, getting every American vaccinated”
and assuring the public that the vaccine was not “rushed on behalf of the United States.” He then
concluded that “this FOIA request is of paramount public importance.” Judge Pittman stressed the
importance of an informed citizenry and full disclosure and ordered the FDA to release 12,000 pages
before the end of January 2022 and 55,000 pages every month until production was
completed (450,000 pages).
The Pfizer documents show participants suffered multiple adverse events after taking the
experimental mRNA vaccine. These adverse events were previously unknown to the public, and
Pfizer has directly and unequivocally acknowledged many of the events. The data is
exceptionally alarming and includes reports of death in many cases.
The public has an absolute right to know all of the FDA and Pfizer information concerning the
experimental mRNA vaccine risks. However, for one particularly vulnerable group, women who
are or may become pregnant, information has not been forthcoming from Pfizer, the FDA, the
government, or the news media. The FDA and Pfizer have a moral, ethical, and legal obligation
to make sure that this critically important information makes its way to the public at large, to
ensure that pregnant women are armed with the most accurate data available regarding the
experimental mRNA vaccine so they can make an informed judgment on whether to take the
vaccine. It is not sufficient for the FDA and Pfizer to release this data piecemeal through Judge
Pittman’s Order.
The FDA’s emergency use authorization…
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