by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
It’s not that hard to see the GOPe Club moves in Georgia, you just have to shake off the ‘battered conservative syndrome‘ to accept it.
Georgia is holding an open primary, where democrats can vote for republicans and republicans can vote for democrats.
The Democrat Governor candidate is Stacy Abrams, and she is running unopposed.
The AME Church Network (think prior Mississippi strategy for Thad Cochran by Haley Barbour and Mitch McConnell) have been activated to vote in the republican primary, so democrats in Georgia will choose the republican candidate who will run against Stacy Abrams.
Georgia Democrats will vote for incumbent republican governor Brian Kemp this month because that’s who they want on the ticket in the November general election, facing their candidate, Stacy Abrams. Georgia is the homebase of the AME church network and their political operations. This is part of the reason why Georgia politics is: (a) racially divisive; and (b) fraught with corruption.
As a direct result of democrats selecting the opposition, Stacy Abrams will win in November. Open primaries are club rules used to make red states turn blue. Allowing your opposition to choose your candidate is never smart. [Note: Texas is soon to follow if they are not careful.]
Everything at this level of electoral games is controlled by the state political clubs. The republican club in Georgia is ideologically against MAGA more than they are against Democrats. The GA parties control the rules and thereby the political outcomes, the voters in GA operate under the illusion of choice. This is not uncommon.
The key point is to note that…
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