by Sophie O’Hara at Wayne Dupree Show
There is something very odd going on at Fort Bragg.
So, incredibly odd, that an investigative reporter and the contributing editor of Rolling Stone Magazine wants to know what the heck is going on.
His name is Seth Harp, and he’s been following a disturbing story out of North Carolina, involving A LOT of servicemen who are turning up dead in their bunks at Fort Bragg.
Here’s what Seth said in a tweet from February 9th, 2022″
“83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021. Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes. Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then. They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.”
83 soldiers died at Fort Bragg in the 18 months ending June 2021.
Only 11 of those deaths were from natural causes.
Fort Bragg hasn’t announced any fatalities since then.
They’re still happening, but the base has gone dark.
— Seth Harp (@sethharpesq) February 9, 2022
Back in January 2022, Seth wrote about this for Rolling Stone. In that piece, he discusses the MANY mysterious deaths occurring at Ft. Bragg since early 2020.
He writes: meanwhile, Fort Bragg soldiers have been turning up “unresponsive” in their barracks on a disturbingly regular basis since the beginning of 2020, including Caleb Smither, Terrance Salazar, Jamie Boger, Joshua Diamond, Matthew Disney, Mikel Rubino, Michael Hamilton, and numerous others who have not been named. Drugs may have been involved in the cases of Diamond and Disney, who were found dead on the same day in June 2021, just two weeks after an airborne master sergeant named Martin Acevedo III was charged with trafficking cocaine. Otherwise, there has been absolutely no explanation from the Army for how these apparently healthy young men died…
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