by Blaise Vvanne by America Out Loud
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you the latest frantic Covid alert, allowing you to self-stampede off the Deep State buffalo jump. In the never-ending narrative to drive the poor, unwashed masses herd based on irrational fear, the powers that be have unveiled their scare-du-jour, the Omicron variant.
As many of you know by now, and as ZeroHedge wrote, relative to the Greek alphabet (all too familiar to me, after two years of hard-won Greek at university), Two letters were skipped—Nu and Xi—because Nu is too easily confounded with ‘new’ and Xi was not used because it is a common surname and [the] WHO best practices for naming new diseases … suggest avoiding ‘causing offense to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional, or ethnic groups, the United Nations agency said in a statement to The Epoch Times on Saturday. One might presume it was also necessary to avoid offending the leadership of the country that gifted us with the virus in the first place, President Xi Jinping. What? You didn’t really think that some bat booked a flight on Air China and flew 600 miles from its natural habitat, and then landed in some poor schmoe’s won ton soup, did you?
But let’s not blame poor president-for-life Xi, when in fact, the whole gambit only got into full throttle when Trump – and our freedoms and economy got mugged by the Deep State, as Dr. Scott Atlas out of Stanford Univ. has outlined in his article here on the highly regarded Burning Platform site. Without the Deep State cronies, the horse… or make that the buffalo… might never have gotten out of the barn.
Natural Immunity
Natural immunity is still a real thing relative to Omicron, because the mainstream media “missed” that story, too. Truth is, as researchers noted in the article here, Delta Variant: Natural Immunity 700% Greater Protection Than Shot, Data from Israeli Government Shows, natural immunity derived from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is not as strong as immunity acquired through recovery from the COVID-19 virus. Similarly, a retrospective observational study published Aug. 25, 2021, at MedRxiv, revealed that natural immunity is superior to immunity from COVID-19 jabs. According to the authors of that study: … natural immunity confers longer-lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease, and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity.
Another similar study, SARS-CoV-2 reinfection in a cohort of 43,000 antibody-positive individuals followed for up to 35 weeks, at MedRxiv, revealed similarly reassuring results. It followed 43,044 SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positive people for up to 35 weeks, and only 0.7% were reinfected. When genome sequencing was applied to estimate the population-level risk of reinfection, the risk was estimated at 0.1%. After seven months, there still was no indication of waning immunity. According to the authors of that study: Reinfection is rare. Natural infection appears to elicit strong protection against reinfection with an efficacy >90% for at least seven months. Are there still questions?
We’ve been repeatedly told that we’re now in a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and this lie will gain new traction once fully vaccinated people are dishonestly dropped into the unvaccinated category, six months after their last dose, something we all know the fasco-Marxists will do to game the system. How? Simply by updating the definition of “fully vaccinated” they will skew mortality statistics, giving government another round of ammunition for false claims.
As data from the most heavily vaccinated countries in the world, such as Israel, Singapore, Iceland, etc., now unequivocally demonstrate, the vaccinated are the most sickened. To wit: A Sept. 2021 article, Cases Rise Despite 80% Vaccine Rate, notes Singapore has just reached a level of vaccination penetration that many other developed economies would envy: 80% of its adult population has been vaccinated. And yet, it continues to struggle with one of the worst outbreaks. Another report in The Guardian followed that: Singapore reports worst daily Covid case tally in more than a year.
In heavily vaccinated Iceland, Iceland Review wrote Nov. 12, 2021, after receiving suggestions from Chief Epidemiologist Þórólfur Guðnason, Minister of Health Svandís Svavarsdóttir has decided to significantly tighten infection prevention restrictions to contain the fast spread of COVID-19. Norway? Per Medical Xpress, same date, another highly vaccinated country, Norway, to reinstate national measures as virus surges.
Jim Rickards wrote in his email on Oct. 20…data from the British government shows that the infection rate among fully vaccinated people in their 40s was 100% higher than among the unvaccinated. The Irish counties of Waterford and Carlow, where 99.7% and 98% (respectively) of all adults are vaccinated, cases are exploding. They’re seeing the greatest case load since March. In Taiwan, evidence indicates more people are dying from the vaccine than from COVID. In fact, corroborating Rickards on Waterford, Ireland, is this Oct. 13, 2021 story, where the 99.7% vaccinated city was having a massive Covid outbreak, per the Irish Times here. To wit: The city has 99.7% of its adults vaccinated with 747 cases per 100,000 people in the past two weeks as of Oct. 13. So… basically, 100% of the city is vaccinated, yet there is still an outbreak. How is this not on the front lines of every paper?
Even Vermont, with compliance the highest of all states, by some reports as high as 88%, is also having one of the worst amounts of breakout cases in the US. The Vermont government dashboard is here to get the up-to-date data with another Vermont government site, at reporting Nov. 9, 2021, the exact number sick, which you can get updated at this site every day. Here, the numbers show a smaller 72% vaccinated, but whatever it is (the Delta could be in how they are counting vaccinated), it will change daily. Suffice to say, Vermont currently has the highest rate of “fully vaccinated” residents in the country, according to ABC News… yet at the same time, cases have increased 43% over the last seven days and increased 55% over the last 14 days. CDC, on Nov. 9, 2021, said Vermont had the 12th highest number of cases. Is this due to an increase in testing? Mais non… tests only increased by 9% during the same time period. Worse, during that first week of November, the hospital admission rate for patients who were fully vaccinated increased by 8%, while the admission rate for those who were not fully vaccinated actually decreased by 15%. This all corroborates what physician assistant Deborah Conrad said: vaccinated people are nine times more likely to be hospitalized than the unvaccinated – see here, as presented by attorney Aaron Siri, article entitled Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS. Per the article, Conrad’s hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for COVID-19, but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons… Gee… can you say “myocarditis, Gullain-Barre, or heart attack” caused by the shot?
Vermont graph below from Nov. 9, 2021
Truth is, it is a pandemic of the vaccinated.
Dr. Chris Martenson, Ph.D. in pathology, Duke Univ., discussed the efficacy of the Covid shots here, citing from the European Journal of Epidemiology, reported Oct. 19, 2021, which found there is no discernable relationship” between vaccines and cases. In sum, the article tells us for 68 countries worldwide; vax rates are unrelated to positive cases, as least per the PCR test:
At the country level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between the percentage of the population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last seven days. In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with a higher percentage of the population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, with over 60% of its population fully vaccinated, Israel had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last seven days. The lack of a meaningful association between the percentage of the population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases are further exemplified, for instance, by comparison of Iceland and Portugal. Both countries have over 75% of their population fully vaccinated. They have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than countries such as Vietnam and South Africa that have around 10% of their population fully vaccinated. Martenson’s sources are the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
And if alternative news Information Liberation is correct, as of fall 2021, ERs were swamped, from Michigan to Australia… but without a formal “Covid” diagnosis – or at least did not have one until late November. Can you say “mutants,” just as former Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization director Gert van den Bossche warned, along with Nobel Prize winner in medicine (and virologist) Luc Montagnier, where our shots have put pressure on the virus to adapt, and are now creating variants, similar to antibiotic resistance.
Enter stage left – Omicron…
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