T-Room here – Inner City Press is doing concise live blogging of the Ghislaine Maxwell trial. When we do a copy and paste the font size remains 6 point no matter what we do to enlarge. And of course, if text is pasted in another file then reposted all of Lee’s links get lost. So, until we figure out how to make the font larger without losing the hyperlinks, the font will remain small.
By Matthew Russell Lee at Inner City Press
SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 30 – Ghislaine Maxwell, charged with sex trafficking and other charges, faces a November 29, 2021 trial today, after the November 23 final-final pre trial conference, vlog here.
On October 29 and again on November 12 Maxell and the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York filed a flurry of motions in limine, heavily redacted; the Government argued that trial exhibits are not public and will be withheld. Inner City Press opposed and opposes the continued secrecy.
The entire morning of Day 1 was devoted to the final selection of the jury. Inner City Press live tweeted it here (vlog on way in here; podcast midway through here)
Midday vlog here.
At 2 pm, the government’s opening statement. Inner City Press live tweeted here.
Then Maxwell’s opening, which Inner City Press live tweeted here: (podcast here)
First of Day 2 was the US witness, Epstein pilot Larry Visoski, Inner City Press live tweeted his Day 1 here (podcast here) and his Day 2 with cross examination here (podcast here) (vlog here)
In the afternoon of Day 2, things got real, with pseudonymous witness Jane describing rape. Inner City Press, wincing, live tweeted here (podcast here)
AUSA: we call our next witness, “Jane.”
Judge Nathan: I order the sketch artist not to accurately depict the witness.
AUSA: What is Government Exhibit 12, under seal? “Jane” – It is my birth certificate.
AUSA: How old were you when you first had sexual contact with Jeffrey Epstein?
Jane: 14.
AUSA: Who was in the room? Jane: Ghislaine Maxwell.
AUSA: Do you see her here? Jane: Yes. There. In sort of a beige turtleneck. AUSA: She has identified the defendant.
AUSA Comey: What type of work did your father do? Jane: He was a musical composer. Then he died of leukemia. His employer had canceled his health insurance without him knowing. We essentially went bankrupt and had to move out.
AUSA Comey: When you were at Interlochen, did you meet a couple? Jane: Yes. The woman had a dog and the man said they were big benefactors. They asked for my mother’s phone number. A landline.
AUSA Comey: When you visited, what do you remember about spending time at the pool? Jane: There were four woman and Ghislaine, all topless and some of them were naked. I was shocked. I hadn’t seen that before. Maxwell would ask me if I had boyfriends.
AUSA Comey: Did Epstein begin to pay for things for you? Jane: Voice lessons. Clothes. Things for school. AUSA: Did Ms Maxwell give you some advice?
Jane: That if you f*ck them you can always f*ck them, they’re sort of grandfathered in. I didn’t know what it meant
AUSA: What did they tell you about their social circle? Jane: Donald Trump. Bill Clinton. Mike Wallace.
AUSA: How was the house decorated? Jane: Art, sculptures. Pictures of famous people, presidents. I thought some of the art was odd – naked women, creepy animals
Pseudonymous witness “Jane”…
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