by RTM Staff at Resist the Mainstream
The top Delaware official in charge of rooting out government fraud and abuse was indicted on Oct. 11 on public corruption charges.
State prosecutors charged Delaware Auditor of Accounts Kathleen McGuiness with felony counts of theft and witness intimidation as well as three misdemeanor counts, according to an indictment (pdf) made public on Monday.
Among other allegations, McGuinness is accused of hiring her daughter and the daughter’s friend for temporary jobs at a time when other temp workers were let go due to lack of work amid the pandemic. The daughter and the friend were paid $19,000 and $7,700 respectively. Some of the payments took place when after the auditor’s daughter, Elizabeth McGuiness, enrolled in a college.
McGuiness’s attorney, Steve Wood, said in an email that McGuiness is “absolutely innocent,” and the indictment is “full of misleading statements and half-truths.”
When employees at McGuiness’s office discovered and reported the misconduct, McGuiness used her position to monitor the employees’ emails and to intimidate the whistleblowers, the indictment alleges.
“The indictment includes a great deal of evidence that the state auditor repeatedly broke the law and systemically abused her power, beginning in her first year in office,” Attorney General Kathy Jennings, a fellow Democrat, said in a statement.
“Our investigation revealed a long trail of corruption, nepotism, official misconduct, intimidation, and fraud that implicated thousands of taxpayer dollars—all from an elected official who is supposed to be a watchdog for exactly this kind of misbehavior.”
The defendant’s lawyer said…
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