by Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit
“Stacey Abrams’ firm, Happy Faces, what, they are literally providing the employees, the temporary employees to count ballots! Stacey Abrams is profiting from local elections across this country!”
Those words were blasted on the WarRoom Pandemic by Vernon Jones (R), former Democrat who is running for governor of Georgia and who was being interviewed by Steve Bannon:
VJ: “There’s a great American cover-up going on … He’s [Carter Jones of Seven Hills Strategies, appointed by the GA State Election Board on Oct 30, 2020 to observe Fulton County election processes, per a Consolidated Consent Order, ] talking about Stacey Abrams’ firm, Happy Faces, what, they are literally providing the employees, the temporary employees to count ballots! Stacey Abrams is profiting from local elections across this country! This is… you cannot make this up, Steve! This is real. There’s a cover-up by the AJC [the Atlanta Journal-Constitution]. They’re covering up Stacey Abrams. They’re covering up Raffensperger. They’re covering up Brian Kemp … President Trump was right, this thing is riddled with election fraud and it’s been suppressed, vote suppression and election integrity suppression has been carried out with accomplices like the AJC and the liberal media…”
SB: “I think she’s [Abram’s] got a problem now. I think this Happy Face thing is a problem. What are you going to do about it?“
VJ: “Right now, I want Brian Kemp to either call for a forensic audit, call for the resignation of Raffensperger, or he resigns himself.“
EMBED under Carter Jones: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/author-fulton-county-elections-report-tries-desperately-walk-back-explosive-accusations-late/
Stacey Abrams, former Georgia State Rep, nonprofit czar, Hillary Clinton darling, and 2020 board member of John Podesta’s uber-powerful, “charitable” nonprofit, the Center for American Progress think tank, has been revealed by CD Media as being an owner of ‘NowAccount,’ the firm financing Happy Faces Personnel Group, the temp agency used in Fulton County, Georgia’s elections in November 2020 and January 2021. We reported on her profiteering:
CD Media broke the story last week:
Evidence presented at this morning’s public meeting of the Fulton County Commission shows former Democrat gubernatorial candidate and State Rep Stacey Abrams controlled and financed the main contractor used in Fulton County elections during the Nov 3rd poll and the Jan 5th U.S. Senate runoff.
Evidence showed direct financial underwriting of the staffing service Happy Faces Personnel Group, by groups controlled by Abrams. In other words, a highly partisan Democrat political operative controlled the elections in Fulton County, which also involved a Nigerian national.
The “direct financial underwriting” that CD Media is referring to comes from the company which Abrams co-founded, NowAccount, with a website called NowCorp. It has 23 Team Members and describes itself as follows:
In 2010, we created NowAccount because we were sick of waiting for our customers to pay. Initially, we celebrated when we landed a big contract, but weeks and weeks would pass and payment would still be outstanding. We needed working capital to continue business operations and our cash was tied up in our invoices.
Everyone told us to get a line of credit or try factoring, and we thought, “Why should we have to borrow money or factor when we are the free bank to our customers? There had to be a better way!”
We know other businesses have the same frustration with invoicing, so we created NowAccount to help.
According to testimony by election integrity whistle-blower Bridget Thorne, given at the Fulton County Board of Commissioners’ (BOC) hearings on June 16:
I found this March 2018 AJC [Atlanta Journal-Constitution] article on Stacey Abrams and a company she co-founded called NowAccount. Now Account secures companies’ debts who have government contracts. Abrams owns 16%. Now, isn’t it interesting that NowAccount is registered as the only secured party provider for Happy Faces? NowAccount provides the line of credit…
…In the last meeting Barron [Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections Director, Richard Barron] said, I don’t know how they recruit. We aren’t in charge of the recruitment process…
…With the purse string connection of Stacey Abrams to Happy Faces you must ask, does she have influence on who gets hired to work our elections? Can she or her activist groups also recommend employees?
With Happy Faces working 100% early voting, ballot adjudication, absentee ballot processing, warehousing, drop box, signature verification, they are basically running our elections. Shouldn’t we know who they are recruiting? Shouldn’t we know who they are? Could an activist group have a special connection and ability to work our elections, while veteran poll clerks, like me, are shut out?
(Timestamp 58:54)
Furthermore, UncoverDC, digging deeper, reported upon the June 2 Fulton County BOC meeting, discussing the Registration and Elections Department’s 2021 budget for Happy Faces:
Rick Barron, Director of Registration and Elections, presenting his rationale for hiring 300-400 temporary help staff for Fulton County from the Happy Faces staffing agency. According to Barron, Fulton County started using the agency in 2015. … One advantage of hiring temporary help is the ease of termination if they underperform, according to Barron…
…Commissioner Liz Haussman questioned the cost of the 400 temporary employees, pointing out, “[They] cost as much or more than the 2600 civic and county employees.” Barron remarked that election day workers are paid a flat fee, “anywhere from $225/day to $375/day.”
During the exchange (4:04:32 timestamp), Hausman challenges “the accounting” for the cost for hiring temporary help that totals over $7 million for 400 temporary workers for 3-5 weeks—when election workers for election day are each paid $225-$375/day.
CD Media, continuing its coverage of Happy Faces, subsequently broke a second story that “Happy Faces Staffing” had been found to be the temp firm used by “a myriad of Georgia government agencies” in 2020, including GA Gov Brian Kemp, to the tune of $3,198,798.04!
Due to the tip of an alert reader, we now know through the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) website that Happy Faces Personnel Group was awarded not one but two Paycheck Protection Program Loans (PPE) for “Temporary Help Services (Corporation)” during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The payment amounts are as follows:…
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