by Gary D Barnett at Lew Rockwell
“Propaganda does not deceive people; it merely helps them to deceive themselves.”
~ Eric Hoffer (1996). “The Passionate State of Mind”
I spent recent days in what could be described as a psychological dystopic state of bewilderment, but then I remembered the fact that the modern American humanoid is merely a controlled drone, and his puppet master is the controlling governing state. This has long been the prevailing mood of the people, but this recent stark reminder solidified that reality.
I am rarely confused about what is going on, and have been warning about the actual controllers and their state pawn’s desires to control the masses for two decades, but sometimes things happen that are so starkly ridiculous and telling, that one has to stop what he is doing, pause, and reflect on what is being acted out in real time. After contemplation of surrounding robotic behavior, the truth usually appears, and the sky opens up. That has been the case lately.
I will base my initial comments on a local anecdotal experience, but one that is currently being played out across this entire country, even in places that have been and still are nearly fully communistic in nature. While Montana has not been nearly as absurd as some states like California, Oregon, New York, Colorado, and others, certain cities have remained since the beginning of this ‘pandemic’ farce, locked down and controlled by the local political scum in such a manner as to be reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. The city of Bozeman has been one of those places, at least until just very recently. It has been for a year or more a place of extreme shutdowns, draconian rules and enforcement, horrible restrictions, and full masking everywhere. That just changed nearly overnight.
I have been refused entry or service over and over again on every attempt to visit, dine, and shop there for many months, and mask wearing compliance was virtually 100% it seemed, inside and out, since this insanity began early last year. It was a rarity indeed to see any on the street without a mask, and many were ready to either stare, ridicule, or confront anyone walking around maskless. This not only changed in Montana this Memorial Day weekend, it changed nationwide. This had to be a very politically orchestrated nationwide effort, and one preplanned for specific reasons.
When I arrived in Bozeman recently, I could barely find anyone that was wearing a mask, as the streets were full of people; shoppers, revelers, groups partying, and moving about as though no ‘virus’ scam had ever occurred. Crowds were congregated in large groups shoulder to shoulder; touching, talking, hugging, and seemingly acting normal, but was it normal? This was an instant change, but what was unexplained was the general reaction by all these people at once that had been acting so afraid, and had been totally compliant for so long. This was said to be a horribly contagious ‘virus’ that was deadly, life threatening, and would sicken and kill millions, all according to the state perpetrators of this fraud. If almost 100% of these people were wearing a mask the day before, how could all of them suddenly be maskless so quickly, if there were any belief whatsoever that a dangerous ‘virus’ had ever existed? Was it magic? Did the government find a universal cure overnight, and therefore all became instantly safe? Did the ‘virus’ take a holiday as well, or did the state’s poisonous injection cure the country entirely? Of course not, but if one of the so-called aliens from another planet now being described as possible in the mainstream media, just so happened to travel here last week in order to celebrate Memorial Day with earthlings, he would never understand the instant change that took place with this idiotic horde of humans.
Sporting stadiums all around the country are filling up, with even California opening up baseball stadiums to full maskless capacity this coming month. L.A. and San Francisco open up in the next few weeks. Concerts are being performed with no restrictions nationwide, with many thousands of people concentrated together for music shows. Popular venues with large crowds are now being allowed, as the proletariat is being appeased with their bread and circuses. Cities everywhere are full of people having fun, all with no worries about some imaginary killer ‘virus. What the hell is going on? If these people really had any fear whatsoever of a ‘killer virus,’ would they be out amongst the crowds? So why have they agreed to total submission for so long, if they are willing to abandon all precautions overnight.?
One CNN article should explain this phenomenon:…
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