by Pat Lang at Turcopolier
“Start with the utterly bizarre “mask theater.” All the politicians in the room have been fully vaccinated, and Biden’s own CDC says that’s enough. So why the universal masking, and the social distancing? The message, cutting across the president’s occasional optimism, was that this nightmare will never end — which simply isn’t true.”
“Equally, obviously false was Biden’s now-routine effort to claim all the credit for successful vaccinations: All that was set in motion before he took office.
Then he moved into a series of disjointed claims about his “American Families Plan” that barely tracked, even though he was reading a prepared text.”
“It seemed like he was just skipping whole paragraphs and even pages. You could see even Democrats wincing above their masks.
He tossed in a few blatant whoppers, like his repeated claims that economists “left, right and center” agree his program will work just as he says.”
“Then, bizarrely, he wandered into something like a State of the Union speech, ticking off mostly vacuous sales pitches for a host of bills he’d like Congress to pass.
Mixed in were lies about how he’d solved the border crisis as vice president, plus vague waves at a foreign policy (and trade: He talks “buy American” as much as the guy he replaced) and some noise about being tough militarily when the Defense Department is about the only federal agency he doesn’t want to spend more on.” NY Post
Comment: Joe faded away before our eyes. Heavily rehearsed and pumped up on…
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