There is general agreement that George W Bush sent troops into Iraq as an outcome of the industrial war machine policy to advance U.S. interventionism; thereby completing the job his father President HW Bush was prudently not willing to escalate after the liberation of Kuwait.
President Donald Trump attempted to draw-down U.S. military all around the globe, specifically Europe and the middle-east. However, as history often repeats, now it appears we are see the JoeBama administration sending troops back into Syria; perhaps to attempt the same regime change objective they failed in 2013 and 2014. The mid-east war machine is oiled with American blood.
SYRIA – A convoy of 40 trucks and armor vehicles said to have entered Syria from Iraq
A large US military convoy entered northeastern Syria on Thursday, Syrian state news agency SANA reports, citing sources on the ground.
According to the report, the convoy included some 40 trucks and armored vehicles and was backed from the air by helicopters.
It entered Syria from Iraq via the al-Waleed crossing to bring arms and logistical equipment to the bases in Hasakeh and Deir Ezzor provinces. (read more)
It is rather ironic to hear the justification around a need for U.S. military to continue fighting ISIS, al-Qaeda and al-Nusra. Ironic, considering the Obama-Biden administration specifically armed the Islamic extremists within Syria who shortly thereafter became known as ISIS.
BACKGROUND – We know the Obama administration was arming ISIS as part of the larger Syria strategy because Secretary of State John Kerry went on record admitting the Obama Syrian strategy was actually to arm ISIS and extremist Islamic groups (al-Nusra) against Assad.
We also know Secretary Kerry was being truthful in that media-hidden, albeit recorded, admission because CTH specifically tracked and investigated the CIA weapons shipments as an accidental outcome of the finalized Benghazi Briefing material in 2013/2014…