The global scientific establishment still has no idea or is too fearful to admit from where the COVID-19 virus originated.
The problem is both scientific and political.
The COVID-19 virus has a number of unusual structural features that cannot be easily explained as products of a normal evolutionary process.
Although the scientific “consensus” claims that the COVID-19 virus originated in bats, parts of its viral genome contain elements that appear to originate from pangolin (scaly anteater) coronaviruses, yet pangolins have been excluded as a natural intermediate host prior to human infection.
In addition, the COVID-19 virus contains a Furin polybasic cleavage site with an amino acid sequence of proline-arginine-arginine-alanine or “PRRA” that facilitates membrane fusion between the virus and the human cell and is a structure known to increase infectivity and pathogenicity.
That PRRA amino acid sequence is not found in any related bat coronavirus and the genomic nucleotide combination that codes for it, the repeat cytosine-guanine-guanine or CGG-CGG, is extremely rare.
The fact is that the existence of the COVID-19 virus is far easier to explain as the product of laboratory experiments than as a naturally-occurring phenomenon.
So, why is there any uncertainty?
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party, supported by some Western scientists and a politically-motivated media, have desperately tried to convince the world that COVID-19 virus originated in bats and underwent natural evolutionary changes, which allowed it to infect humans…
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