Just before the 2020 Democratic primary debate season kicked off, the Democratic National Committee announced its decision to bar Fox News from hosting a primary debate. DNC chair Tom Perez had the audacity to point to “the inappropriate relationship between President Trump, his administration, and Fox News.”
This was laughable at best. Have you ever noticed that the left tends to accuse the right of the very crimes they themselves are most guilty of committing? Those on the left are always keen to point out relationships that exist between politicians, their families, the media, and corporations. Interestingly enough, it’s very rare that they do it themselves.
If you listen to many in the media, every politician is supposedly influenced by every donation they take. Most reporters and pundits are quick to point out the connection between a donor, a donation, and a vote passed or an action taken; however, they will swear that their editorials, op-eds, and advertisements have no influence on them. Does anyone actually buy that? Ask your- self this: If you see that some industry or association is buying a $10,000+ ad in the middle of a newsletter or story, wouldn’t you be skeptical of whether or not it has some bearing on current or future topics the outlet will cover? It’s amazing that we’re supposed to assume that politicians have to be corrupt but media outlets are as pure as the driven snow.
The media frequently calls out conflicts of interest with respect to politicians as well as politicians’ families and personal friends. However, they certainly ignore the giant revolving door that exists within their circles. It’s a perfect illustration of “do as I say, not as I do.”…
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