Welcome. If you’re reading these words, then it’s likely that you’re here because of the #ExposeBillGates global day of action.
Perhaps you’re here out of curiosity. Perhaps you came here to argue with crazy conspiracy theorists. Perhaps you already know about the #ExposeBillGates movement but just want to learn more.
Whatever your motivations for clicking on this link, I promise you this article is not clickbait. This is not a put-on or satire or a trendy internet listicle. The #ExposeBillGates movement is deadly serious, and it aims to alert the public to the real dangers of the world that are coming into view: a world of lockdowns and quarantines, masks and vaccines, checkpoints and immunity passports, cashless payments and biometric IDs.
So the first question you might be asking is: why Bill Gates? Why are all these people on the internet trying to warn about Bill Gates in the midst of this global pandemic? Isn’t Gates a philanthropist who’s trying to help the world out by donating his fortune to good causes?
It was to answer that very question that I created my feature-length documentary on this subject, Who Is Bill Gates?
[VIDEO Insert in original post. The T-Room is unable to provide url for clip]
If you haven’t watched it already, please do so in the player above. You can also follow this link to access the full transcript and audio/video downloads completely for free.
But if you need a bit more information before you invest your time in watching a two-hour documentary, here are some important issues for you to explore, along with some suggestions for further reading and viewing that will help you get caught up on the reasons that we need to #ExposeBillGates.
Bill Gates is not a selfless philanthropist
When he set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife and his father around the turn of the 21st century, Bill Gates went from villain to superhero in the public imagination seemingly overnight. No longer a reviled monopolist who built his Microsoft empire on the back of glitchy software and out of a ruthless desire to squash his competition, Gates was suddenly seen as a selfless philanthropist, generously giving away his fortune for the benefit of the world.
What few realize is that Gates’ philanthropy is hardly selfless. He “generously” donates to causes that directly benefit his family (like his $80 million gift to the prestigious private school that his own children attend) and his business interests. His foundation has even provided hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to corporations like Merck, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Vodafone, Sanofi, Ericsson, LG, Medtronic, and Teva in which his foundation trust holds corporate stocks and bonds.
This self-serving “giving” might account for the striking fact that, over the past decade of his “philanthropy,” Gates’ net worth has actually doubled, from $50 billion to over $100 billion.
Suggested further reading: Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has monopolized the global health industry
Gates’ unique brand of philanthropy doesn’t simply benefit his family financially. It also affords him unprecedented power in the field of global public health, where his foundation directs much of its funds. It is remarkable that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second-largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO), right behind the US government. In fact, if the US government does withdraw its funding from the WHO next year as it is currently threatening to do, the Gates Foundation will be the single largest funding source for the group.
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