Funny that! I was going to blow off this hearing today into The Clinton Foundation shenanigans, but decided, to tune in. Damned glad I did. It’s a whopper. There is so much useful background information but the most explosive is what these forensic number guys said around the hour:38 minutes in the clip – “What happened here, for whatever reason we don’t know or don’t have an opinion on it, it became a hybrid. And, and our analysis shows that this hybrid modeled the Global Fund in Geneva, Switzerland.”…”The difference between the Global Fund being a Geneva based operation…which is to take funds from one company, country, excuse me…to help another country. They are the facilitator, the agent…
I started and managed 501(c)(3) and (c)(4) for nearly twenty years and I can assure you what these forensic number guys are saying is a hundred percent factually correct. They are spot on and know their shit.
Watch the entire hearing. It is well worth your time if you have an interest in the Clinton Foundation, it’s duplicitous nature and what it really morphed into when the Clinton’s left the White House…