by Jefferson Morley at JFK Facts
The new JFK files yield clear and convincing evidence of CIA responsibility for JFK’s assassination
Join Fernand Amandi and me for a live discussion of the sensational, disturbing, and irrefutable findings from new JFK assassination files at 8 p.m. ET tonight.
Those observers who say the JFK files are a “nothingburger” or a “political prop” that will do nothing to “change the accepted narrative” seem to be unaware of the new JFK documents released this week that demonstrate the complicity of CIA counterintelligence officers in the death of the president.
Online attention has focused on a long-public document telling the sad story of Garrett Underhill, an intelligence officer who claimed that “a small clique in the CIA was responsible for the assassination.”
New JFK documents that I have discovered in the last 48 hours (and reported in recent years) not only confirm Underhill’s suspicion but flesh it out.
The fact pattern emerging from the new JFK documents shows that:
A small clique in CIA counterintelligence was responsible for JFK’s assassination.
During the JFK Live show I will I share and explain the documentation of this extraordinary claim so that it can discussed and fact-checked.
And I’ll lay out what more we will learn from the still-unseen JFK files about this appalling chapter in the history of the U.S. intelligence community.
The podcast is really just a big Zoom call, open to all. Comments and questions are
Go here to join the call at 8 pm ET
More from JFK historian Jefferson Morley
Underhill’s story is all too familiar. Someone inside the government learns…
But I want to focus on what Underhill said:
I want to talk about the new JFK documents that I have discovered in the last 48 hours which not only confirm Underhill’s suspicion but flesh it out.
A half dozen of the new JFK documents released this week on order of President Trump give me the confidence to say:
A small clique in CIA counterintelligence was responsible for the assassination.
–With the help of some of the best JFK researchers on the internet I can now identify members of this clique by name. #FactCheckPlease
–We have identified 6 code named CIA operations (run by members of this clique) which enveloped the patsy/assassin Lee Harvey Oswald as he made his way to Dealey Plaza. #FactCheckPlease
–We now have sufficient evidence to the question was the CIA atrociously incompetent when it came to JFK’s assassination? Or legally complicit?
The new JFK files enable a verdict of complicity.
Tonight on JFK Live Podcast (8 pm ET) I will be tell the strange and disturbing story emerging from the new JFK files: the role of CIA counterintelligence in the events that led to the ambush in Dealey Plaza.
And I’ll lay out what more we will learn about this appalling chapter in the history of the CIA in the weeks and months ahead.
While Trump’s release was a great leap forward in JFK disclosure, key material remains out of public view, including the Northwoods plans, the Joannides file, the Herminio Diaz file, the Carlos Marcello file and tapes, and the original Air Force One tape.
I’ll talk about what these still-unseen files will tell us about the small clique that monitored and manipulated Oswald as he made his way to Dealey Plaza. I’ll talk about how they concealed their actions with official secrecy that remains in effect today.
I’ll identify assassination-related material in the hands of the Kennedy family.
I’ll assess the upcoming JFK hearing of @RepLuna and the House Task Forces on Declassification.
I’ll update my interim grade on Trump’s JFK performance.
And I will take questions from reporters, historians, anf fact checkers.
Join Fernand Amandi and me for a live discussion of the sensational, disturbing, and deeply documented findings from new JFK assassination files at 8 p.m. ET tonight.
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