by Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse
People have asked why we focus so much sunlight and attention toward the network silos that operate the Intelligence Community (IC) and as an outcome the national security focus of government. The answer is simple, as Mary McCord herself admitted publicly, the IC are the background approver for every weaponized approach of government, including the DOJ.
With that in mind, CTH has painstakingly made the case –with details and receipts– for a process of removing the IC silos from influence over the Office of The President. The Chief Executive must control all elements of national security policy and implementation.
Thankfully, the Supreme Court recently affirmed the plenary power of the executive branch, and the unitary power of the President in controlling every system within that branch of government.
That ruling (presidential immunity) further bolstered the solution we have continuously proposed. The IC silos must be decoupled from the Executive office definitions of national security, until such a time as the IC institutions can be bought to heel.
The most effective way to confront a rogue, hostile and corrupt IC apparatus is to take away their power. The best way to remove their power is to use their primary weapon, their silo structure, against them.
Turn each silo into an irrelevant echo-chamber by using the White House National Security Council as their replacement. Regardless of what triggers the various IC silo embeds try to pull (CIA, NSA, FBI, DIA, etc.) let them shoot blanks by removing their power over policy and process.
If the IC is isolated from influence,…
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