by Gage Klipper at Daily Caller
We now know the results of The Most Important Election of Our Lifetimes. After a decade of lies, deceit and crushing coercion against their livelihoods and way of life, working class America finally stood up to say: “Enough.”
We saw it in Pennsylvania, where Donald Trump not only flipped the state, but expanded his margin of victory from 2016. He won about half a million more votes than the first time he won the state, winning some rural districts by margins over 70%.
We saw it in Michigan, another recaptured state, where deep blue counties home to Detroit, Lansing and Ann Arbor stayed relatively stable over the past two cycles, but Trump increased his total number of votes by hundreds of thousands.
We saw it in New York, where the last little bastion of working class New York City — Staten Island — turned out in record numbers for Trump, an additional eight points since 2020. Rural, upstate counties that were only lukewarm on Trump in 2020 flipped hard, delivering multiple double digit victories this time around.
We saw it in New Jersey,…
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