by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. at the Defender
Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in a study of the six major COVID-19 vaccine brands. The research, which confirms previous studies, sparked calls for transparency and further investigation.
Editor’s note: The Defender is grateful for the expert input of Chris Exley, Ph.D., and Mike Adams on the research paper that is the subject of this Defender piece. These scientists have pointed out several major flaws in the analysis by Diblasi et al. 2024, including reporting of inappropriate units for vaccine contaminants (i.e., micrograms per liter rather than micrograms per dose) and discrepancies between the measured values of elements in the vaccine vials and the detection limits of the instruments used. We are also thankful for Dr. Martin Monteverde’s response to these criticisms. We believe this type of scientific discourse only serves to advance our cause regarding children’s health.
A group of Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.
The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.
The samples also contained 11 of the 15 lanthanides, or rare earth elements, that are heavier, silvery metals often used in manufacturing. These chemical elements, which include lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium, are lesser known to the general public than heavy metals but have also been shown to be highly toxic.
“The detection of multiple undeclared toxic elements,…
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