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Although the Biden Administration failed in turning nations sovereignty over to the World Health Organization via it’s contrived Global Pandemic Treaty, they were successful in cramming down the attendees throats a set of principles and guidelines (see below the video for links) that will govern future mandated vaccines, surveillance state aka digital identification and restricted travel.
Michele Bachmann, Dean of Regent University’s Robertson School of Government followed the WHO sessions over these last couple of days and provides an excellent report along with next steps.
The Amendments to the IHR have been adopted
The 77th World Health Assembly HAS adopted a substantial package of amendments to the International Health Regulations. We the People have suffered a stunning defeat. The battle continues.
Article 1
“relevant health products” means those health products needed to respond to public health emergencies of international concern, including pandemic emergencies, which may include medicines, vaccines, diagnostics, medical devices, vector control products, personal protective equipment, decontamination products, assistive products, antidotes, cell- and gene-based therapies, and other health technologies;…