by Ryan DeLarme at Badlands Media
So far in this series, we’ve discussed the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the World Economic Forum, the Bilderberg Group and the Rockefellers. In this edition, we’ll be going over another highly influential, clandestine faction of the Cabal: the Rothschilds.
In our last installment, we covered the closest thing America has ever had to a royal family: the Rockefellers. Though the Carnegies, Vanderbilts, and Morgans were all quite successful, none would reach the same level as the Rockefeller family. But there is another, much older family worth discussing; one who was historically closely intertwined with all of the great American families, and one that any conspiracy researcher worth their salt has probably encountered many times: the Rothschild family.
In this piece, we will take time to briefly cover the oft-recanted tale of how Mayer Amschell Rothschild sent his five sons to all of the primary European power centers to spread the family’s banking dynasty. What I hope to spend more time on, and what I hope will set this piece apart from the myriad repetitive essays on the family, is the mention of the family’s connections to the occult as well as their connections to much older and arguably more powerful clandestine forces still operating across Europe today.
The Currently-Accepted Rothschild Origin Story
The young Mayer Bauer originally studied to become a Rabbi. It is said that he was particularly well-schooled in Hashkalah, an amalgamation of religion, Hebrew law, and reason, which had become popular during the Age of Enlightenment (the “Enlightenment” being an era manufactured by agents of the high cabal, i.e., Abbe Conti and Sir Isaac Newton—more on this in future installments). The death of his parents caused the young Mayer to leave Rabbinical School and enter the world of finance by becoming an apprentice at a banking house.
As the story goes, Mayer was a natural and quickly found himself employed as…
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